Tayfun Göktaş
Tayfun Göktaş
Lokman Hekim
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Endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance in young women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
MY Taşlipinar, N Kilic, N Bayraktar, İ Güler, YG Kurt, T Göktaş, MZ Taner, ...
Turkish journal of medical sciences 44 (5), 787-791, 2014
Effect of plasma NOx values on cardiac function in obese hypertensive and normotensive pediatric patients
M Akcaboy, S Kula, T Göktas, B Nazlıel, S Terlemez, N Celik, B Celik, ...
Pediatric Nephrology 31, 473-483, 2016
Whole blood viscosity and cerebral blood flow velocities in obese hypertensive or obese normotensive adolescents
M Akcaboy, B Nazliel, T Goktas, S Kula, B Celik, N Buyan
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 31 (3), 275-281, 2018
Importance of acupuncture on premenstrual syndrome.
A Anil, T Peker, T Göktaş, S Kilic, D Erbaş
Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology 39 (2), 209-213, 2012
Are serum nitric oxide and vascular endothelial growth factor levels affected by packed red blood cell transfusions?
E Ergenekon, D Bozkaya, T Goktas, D Erbas, A Yucel, O Turan, ...
Hematology 15 (3), 170-173, 2010
The effects of iron treatment on viscosity in children with cyanotic congenital heart disease
S Terlemez, FS Tunaoğlu, T Göktaş, B Çelik, D Erbaş, Ü Koçak, S Kula, ...
Hematology 22 (1), 30-35, 2017
Biomarker and shear stress in secondary pediatric pulmonary hypertension
A Pektaş, FR OLGUNTÜRK, S Kula, E Cilsal, AD Oğuz, FS Tunaoğlu
Turkish journal of medical sciences 47 (6), 1854-1860, 2017
Effects of whole blood viscosity and plasma NOx on cardiac function and cerebral blood flow in children with chronic kidney disease
N Buyan, M Akcaboy, T Göktaş, S Kula, B Nazliel, N Cakar, N Uncu, ...
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 47 (5), 1482-1491, 2017
The effect of hepcidin on cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury
A Bayraktar, D Erbaş, SÖA Dizakar, T Göktaş, S Ömeroğlu, EÖ Oyar
Journal of Investigative Surgery, 2020
Obesity is not a descriptive factor for oxidative stress and viscosity in follicular fluid of in vitro fertilization patients
B Yuksel, S Kilic, N Yilmaz, T Goktas, U Keskin, A Seven, M Ulubay, ...
Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971-) 186, 641-646, 2017
Effects of 2100 MHz radio frequency radiation on the viscosity of blood and oxidative stress parameters in hypertensive and normal rats
D Kuzay, C Ozer, T Goktas, B Sirav, F Senturk, GT Kaplanoglu, M Seymen
Radyo frekans radyasyon ve oldukça düşük frekanslı manyetik alanların diyabetik ve diyabetik olmayan sıçanların testis dokusunda oksidan stres üzerine etkisi
D Kuzay
Gazi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Fizyoloji Anabilimdalı, Uzmanlık Tezi, 2014
African Dust-Laden atmospheric conditions activate the trigeminovascular system
H Bolay, H Doganay, D Akcali, T Goktas, K Caglar, D Erbas, C Saydam
The effects of radio frequency on ductus epididymis in hypertensive and normal rats
G ARIK, D Kuzay, C Seymen, Ç Özer, T Goktas, B Aral, F Senturk, ...
Gazi Medical Journal 31 (3), 2020
Protective Effect of Resveratrol in Di–n-butyl Phthalate–Induced Nephrotoxicity
C Elmas, CM Seymen, D Sener, G Göktas, T Göktas, A Türkkanı
Wood units· m2 or Wood units/m2: does it matter?
S Kula, T Göktaş
Anatolian Journal of Cardiology 16 (5), 360, 2016
Comparison of interleukin-6, oxidant and antioxidant levels in the kidneys of the trained and untrained rats following exhaustive exercise
EM Ersever, A Aral, T Goktas, L Pınar
Comparative Exercise Physiology 19 (2), 169-174, 2023
Böbrek iskemi ve reperfüzyon hasarında kreatin monohidrat desteğinin etkileri
F Helvacıoğlu, T Göktaş, HO Altunkaynak-camca, T Şirinoğlu
Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences 28 (1), 56-65, 2023
Radyofrekansin hipertansif ve normal sicanlarda duktus epididimis özerine etkileri
GN Arik, D Kuzay, CM Seymen, C Ozer, T Goktas, BS Aral, F Sentork, ...
Tıp Fakültesi, 2020
Radyofrekansın Hipertansif ve Normal Sıçanlarda Duktus Epididimis Üzerine Etkileri.
GN Arık, D Kuzay, CM Seymen, Ç Özer, T Göktaş, BS Aral, F Şentürk, ...
Gazi Medical Journal 31 (3), 2020
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