Serkan Taş
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Cited by
Shear wave elastography is a reliable and repeatable method for measuring the elastic modulus of the rectus femoris muscle and patellar tendon
S Taş, MR Onur, S Yılmaz, AR Soylu, F Korkusuz
Journal of ultrasound in medicine 36 (3), 565-570, 2017
Patellar tendon mechanical properties change with gender, body mass index and quadriceps femoris muscle strength
S Taş, S Yılmaz, MR Onur, AR Soylu, O Altuntaş, F Korkusuz
Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica 51 (1), 54-59, 2017
Neck muscle stiffness in participants with and without chronic neck pain: a shear-wave elastography study
S Taş, F Korkusuz, Z Erden
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 41 (7), 580-588, 2018
The accuracy and reliability of the Turkish version of the Fonseca anamnestic index in temporomandibular disorders
BA Kaynak, S Taş, Y Salkın
Cranio® 41 (1), 78-83, 2023
Effects of body mass index on mechanical properties of the plantar fascia and heel pad in asymptomatic participants
S Taş, N Bek, M Ruhi Onur, F Korkusuz
Foot & ankle international 38 (7), 779-784, 2017
An investigation of the sex-related differences in the stiffness of the Achilles tendon and gastrocnemius muscle: Inter-observer reliability and inter-day repeatability and the …
S Taş, Y Salkın
The Foot 41, 44-50, 2019
Effect of gender on mechanical properties of the plantar fascia and heel fat pad
S Taş
Foot & ankle specialist 11 (5), 403-409, 2018
Morphological and mechanical properties of plantar fascia and intrinsic foot muscles in individuals with and without flat foot
S Taş, NÖ Ünlüer, F Korkusuz
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 26 (3), 2309499018802482, 2018
Effects of severity of osteoarthritis on the temporospatial gait parameters in patients with knee osteoarthritis
S Tas, S Guneri, A Baki, T Yildirim, B Kaymak, Z Erden
Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica, 2014
An investigation of the relationship between plantar pressure distribution and the morphologic and mechanic properties of the intrinsic foot muscles and plantar fascia
S Taş, A Çetin
Gait & Posture 72, 217-221, 2019
The effects of additional proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation over conventional therapy in patients with adhesive capsulitis
E Akbaş, S Güneri, S Tas, EU Erdem, İ Yüksel
Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon 26 (2), 78-85, 2015
Mechanical properties and morphologic features of intrinsic foot muscles and plantar fascia in individuals with hallux valgus
S Taş, A Çetin
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 53 (4), 282-286, 2019
Interrater and Intrarater Reliability of a Handheld Myotonometer in Measuring Mechanical Properties of the Neck and Orofacial Muscles
S Taş, Ü Yaşar, BA Kaynak
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 44 (1), 42-48, 2021
Thickness, cross-sectional area, and stiffness of intrinsic foot muscles affect performance in single-leg stance balance tests in healthy sedentary young females
S Taş, NÖ Ünlüer, A Çetin
Journal of biomechanics 99, 109530, 2020
A comparison of results of 3-dimensional gait analysis and observational gait analysis in patients with knee osteoarthritis
S Taş, S Güneri, B Kaymak, Z Erden
Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 49 (2), 151-159, 2015
Effects of hyperlipidemia on patellar tendon stiffness: A shear wave elastography study
ŞŞ Torgutalp, N Babayeva, S Taş, G Dönmez, F Korkusuz
Clinical Biomechanics 75, 104998, 2020
Effects of morphological and mechanical properties of plantar fascia and heel pad on balance performance in asymptomatic females
S Taş, N Bek
The Foot 36, 30-34, 2018
Comparison of median nerve mechanosensitivity and pressure pain threshold in patients with nonspecific neck pain and asymptomatic individuals
S Yılmaz, S Taş, ÖT Yılmaz
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 41 (3), 227-233, 2018
Knee muscle and tendon stiffness in professional soccer players: a shear-wave elastography study.
S Taş, Ö Özkan, L Karaçoban, G Dönmez, A Çetin, F Korkusuz
The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 60 (2), 276-281, 2020
Passive mechanical properties of extrinsic foot muscles and Achilles tendon in adults with and without pes planus
S Taş, A Aktaş, MT Tüfek
Journal of Biomechanics 133, 110961, 2022
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Articles 1–20