Usame Demir
Usame Demir
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Cited by
Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and their applications in harvesting sunlight for solar thermal generation
RF Talabani, SM Hamad, AA Barzinjy, U Demir
Nanomaterials 11 (9), 2421, 2021
Influences of second injection variations on combustion and emissions of an HCCI-DI engine: Experiments and CFD modelling
G Coskun, HS Soyhan, U Demir, A Turkcan, AN Ozsezen, M Canakci
Fuel 136, 287-294, 2014
Experimental investigation of the effect of fuel oil, graphene and HHO gas addition to diesel fuel on engine performance and exhaust emissions in a diesel engine
U Demir, S Çelebi, S Özer
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 52, 1434-1446, 2024
An experimental and modeling study to investigate effects of different injection parameters on a direct injection HCCI combustion fueled with ethanol–gasoline fuel blends
G Coskun, U Demir, HS Soyhan, A Turkcan, AN Ozsezen, M Canakci
Fuel 215, 879-891, 2018
Evaluation of zero dimensional codes in simulating IC engines using primary reference fuel
U Demir, N Yilmaz, G Coskun, HS Soyhan
Applied Thermal Engineering 76, 18-24, 2015
Experimental investigation of the effect of urea addition to fuel on engine performance and emissions in diesel engines
U Demir, A Kozan, S Özer
Fuel, 122578, 2022
Effect of using borax decahydrate as nanomaterials additive diesel fuel on diesel engine performance and emissions
S Özer, U Demir, S Koçyiğit
Energy 266, 126412, 2023
Effects of variable valve timing on the air flow parameters in an electromechanical valve mechanism–A cfd study
U Demir, G Coskun, HS Soyhan, A Turkcan, E Alptekin, M Canakci
Fuel 308, 121956, 2022
The impact of turbulence and combustion models on flames and emissions in a low swirl burner
MS Cellek, A Pınarbaşı, G Coskun, U Demir
Fuel 343, 127905, 2023
An experimental and modeling study to investigate effects of two-stage direct injection variations on HCCI combustion
A Turkcan, AN Ozsezen, M Canakci, G Coskun, HS Soyhan, U Demir
Combustion Science and Technology 187 (4), 642-658, 2015
Scanning probe lithography of novel Langmuir–Schaefer films: Electrochemical applications
U Demir, KK Balasubramanian, V Cammarata, C Shannon
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer …, 1995
Analysis of an HCCI engine combustion using toluene reference fuel for different equivalence ratios–Comparison of experimental results with CFD and SRM simulations
G Coskun, Y Delil, U Demir
Fuel 247, 217-227, 2019
Bio-based solutions for diesel engines: Investigating the effects of propolis additive and ethanol on performance and emissions
S Koçyiğit, S Özer, S Çelebi, U Demir
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 48, 102421, 2024
Optimizing the effect of a mixture of light naphtha, diesel and gasoline fuels on engine performance and emission values on an HCCI engine
S Çelebi, T Kocakulak, U Demir, G Ergen, E Yilmaz
Applied Energy 330, 120349, 2023
Experimental investigation of the effects of coolant temperature in a turbocharged stratified injection (TSI) engine fuelled with gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas
S Özer, U Demir, G Coskun
Fuel 343, 127988, 2023
Effects of light naphtha utilization on engine performance in an homogeneous charged compression ignition engine
S Çelebi, B Duzcan, U Demir, A Uyumaz, C Haşimoglu
Fuel 306, 121663, 2021
Computational investigation of combustion and emission characteristics of toluene reference fuel (TRF) mixtures in an HCCI engine using stochastic reactor model
G Coskun, U Demir, N Yilmaz, HS Soyhan
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 39 …, 2017
Experimental and stochastic reactor modeling results of an HCCI engine fueled with primary reference fuel
H Yasar, E Usta, U Demir
Energy & Fuels 32 (2), 2497-2505, 2018
Investigation of performance of 0-D internal combustion engine simulation codes based on detailed and reduced chemical kinetic mechanisms
G Coskun, U Demir, N Yilmaz, HS Soyhan
International Journal of Vehicle Design 71 (1-4), 377-388, 2016
Evaluating engine performance, emissions, noise, and vibration: a comparative study of diesel and biodiesel fuel mixture
M İnce, S Çelebi, Ü Demir, C Haşimoğlu
International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 8 (3), 288-302, 2024
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Articles 1–20