Who takes risks in high-risk sports? A typological personality approach C Castanier, CL Scanff, T Woodman Research quarterly for exercise and sport 81 (4), 478-484, 2010 | 187 | 2010 |
Coping with examinations: Exploring relationships between students' coping strategies, implicit theories of ability, and perceived control J Doron, Y Stephan, J Boiché, CL Scanff British Journal of Educational Psychology 79 (3), 515-528, 2009 | 183 | 2009 |
Motives for participation in prolonged engagement high-risk sports: An agentic emotion regulation perspective T Woodman, L Hardy, M Barlow, C Le Scanff Psychology of Sport and Exercise 11 (5), 345-352, 2010 | 176 | 2010 |
Psychological profiles and emotional regulation characteristics of women engaged in risk-taking sports N Cazenave, C Le Scanff, T Woodman Anxiety, stress, and coping 20 (4), 421-435, 2007 | 156 | 2007 |
Athletes' inclination to play through pain: a coping perspective T Deroche, T Woodman, Y Stephan, BW Brewer, C Le Scanff Anxiety, Stress & Coping 24 (5), 579-587, 2011 | 137 | 2011 |
Predictors of perceived susceptibility to sport‐related injury among competitive runners: The role of previous experience, neuroticism, and passion for running Y Stephan, T Deroche, BW Brewer, J Caudroit, C Le Scanff Applied Psychology 58 (4), 672-687, 2009 | 128 | 2009 |
Motivation and physical activity behaviors among older women: A self-determination perspective Y Stephan, J Boiché, C Le Scanff Psychology of Women Quarterly 34 (3), 339-348, 2010 | 123 | 2010 |
Predictors of work/family interference and leisure-time physical activity among teachers: The role of passion towards work J Caudroit, J Boiche, Y Stephan, C Le Scanff, D Trouilloud European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 20 (3), 326-344, 2011 | 118 | 2011 |
Stress management for police special forces C Le Scanff, J Taugis Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 14 (4), 330-343, 2002 | 111 | 2002 |
Psychophysiological responses in the pre-competition period in elite soccer players D Alix-Sy, C Le Scanff, E Filaire Journal of sports science & medicine 7 (4), 446, 2008 | 103 | 2008 |
Social cognitive determinants of physical activity among retired older individuals: An application of the health action process approach J Caudroit, Y Stephan, C Le Scanff British Journal of Health Psychology 16 (2), 404-417, 2011 | 102 | 2011 |
Skydiving as emotion regulation: The rise and fall of anxiety is moderated by alexithymia T Woodman, N Cazenave, C Le Scanff Journal of sport and exercise psychology 30 (3), 424-433, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
Alexithymia determines the anxiety experienced in skydiving T Woodman, M Huggins, C Le Scanff, N Cazenave Journal of affective disorders 116 (1-2), 134-138, 2009 | 86 | 2009 |
Beyond sensation seeking: Affect regulation as a framework for predicting risk-taking behaviors in high-risk sport C Castanier, C Le Scanff, T Woodman Journal of sport and exercise psychology 32 (5), 731-738, 2010 | 85 | 2010 |
Subjective age and social-cognitive determinants of physical activity in active older adults J Caudroit, Y Stephan, A Chalabaev, C Le Scanff Journal of aging and physical activity 20 (4), 484-496, 2012 | 81 | 2012 |
How self-image and personality influence performance in an isolated environment E Rosnet, C Le Scanff, MS Sagal Environment and behavior 32 (1), 18-31, 2000 | 71 | 2000 |
Mountaineering as affect regulation: The moderating role of self-regulation strategies C Castanier, C Le Scanff, T Woodman Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 24 (1), 75-89, 2011 | 70 | 2011 |
The relationship between salivary adrenocortical hormones changes and personality in elite female athletes during handball and volleyball competition E Filaire, CL Scanff, P Duché, G Lac Research quarterly for exercise and sport 70 (3), 297-302, 1999 | 69 | 1999 |
Motivation, stress, anxiety, and cortisol responses in elite paragliders E Filaire, M Rouveix, D Alix, C Le Scanff Perceptual and Motor Skills 104 (3_suppl), 1271-1281, 2007 | 63 | 2007 |
Predictors of perceived susceptibility to sport-related injury T Deroche, Y Stephan, BW Brewer, C Le Scanff Personality and Individual Differences 43 (8), 2218-2228, 2007 | 62 | 2007 |