Takip et
Zafer YAZICI, DVM, Ph.D,Professor of Virology
Zafer YAZICI, DVM, Ph.D,Professor of Virology
omu.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Rotavirus and coronavirus prevalence in healthy calves and calves with diarrhoea*)
S Okur-Gumusova, Z Yazici, H Albayrak, Y Meral
Medycyna Weterynaryjna 63 (01), 62-64, 2007
Seroprevalence of bovine viral respiratory diseases.
S Okur-Gumusova, Z Yazici, H Albayrak, D Cakiroglu
Acta Veterinaria 57, 11-6, 2007
Prevalence of three honey bee viruses in Turkey
S Okur-Gumusova, H Albayrak, M Kurt, Z Yazici
Veterinarski Arhiv 80 (6), 779-785, 2010
Molecular detection of pestiviruses in aborted foetuses from provinces in northern Turkey
H Albayrak, SO Gumusova, E Ozan, Z Yazici
Tropical animal health and production 44, 677-680, 2012
Pestivirus seroprevalence in sheep populations from inland and coastal zones of Turkey
S Okur-Gumusova, Z Yazici, H Albayrak
Revue de médecine vétérinaire 157 (12), 593-596, 2006
Characterisation of the first bovine parainfluenza virus 3 isolate detected in cattle in Turkey
H Albayrak, Z Yazici, E Ozan, C Tamer, A Abd El Wahed, S Wehner, ...
Veterinary sciences 6 (2), 56, 2019
First report of fowl aviadenovirus serotypes FAdV-8b and FAdV-11 associated with inclusion body hepatitis in commercial broiler and broiler-breeder flocks in Turkey
İ Şahindokuyucu, F ÇÖven, H Kılıç, özge Yılmaz, M Kars, Ö Yazıcıoğlu, ...
ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY 165 (1), 53-53, 2020
Molecular diagnosis and seroepidemiology of pestiviruses in sheep
Z Yazici, MS Serdar, SO Gumusova, H Albayrak
Veterinarski Arhiv 82 (1), 35-45, 2012
Seroprevalence to bovine herpesvirus type 1 in sheep in Turkey
H Albayrak, Z Yazici, S Okur-Gumusova
Veterinarski arhiv 77 (3), 257, 2007
The prevalence of seven crucial honeybee viruses using multiplex RT-PCR and theirphylogenetic analysis
AA Çağirgan, Z Yazici
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 45 (1), 44-55, 2021
Maedi-visna virus infection in Karayaka and Amasya Herik breed sheep from provinces in northern Turkey
H Albayrak, Z Yazici, S Okur-Gumusova, E Ozan
Tropical animal health and production 44, 939-941, 2012
Ters (reverse) pasif hemaglutinasyon (RPHA) testi ile ishalli buzağıların gaitalarında rotavirusların tespiti
F Alkan, H Pulat, Z Yazıcı, İ Burgu
Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner . Fakültesi Dergisi 39 (1-2), 238-246, 1992
I Burgu, A Toker, F Akça, Yilmaz., Alkan, Z Yazici, A Özkul
Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 37 (3), :538-553., 1990
Where we are in the fight against Hepatitis B Infection; Trends in Hepatitis B virus seroprevalence in Black Sea Region of Turkey
FA Igde, H Taskin, M Igde, Z Yazici, A Atilla
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 21 (1), 87-92, 2018
Herpes simplex type I infection and atopy association in Turkish children with asthma and allergic rhinitis
M Igde, FA Igde, Z Yazici
Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 149-154, 2009
Elevated serum total sialic acid concentrations in sheep with peste des petits ruminants
GF Yarim, C Nisbet, Z Yazici, SO Gumusova
Medycyna Weterynaryjna 62 (12), 1375-1377, 2006
Marek’s disease virus in vaccinated poultry flocks in Turkey: Its first isolation with molecular characterization
E Ozan, B Muftuoglu, I Sahindokuyucu, HN Kurucay, S Inal, N Kuruca, ...
Archives of Virology 166 (2), 559-569, 2021
Circulation of indigenous bovine respiratory syncytial virus strains in Turkish cattle: the first isolation and molecular characterization
Z Yazici, E Ozan, C Tamer, B Muftuoglu, G Barry, HN Kurucay, AE Elhag, ...
Animals 10 (9), 1700, 2020
Seroprevalence of bovine viral respiratory diseases.
GS Okur, Z Yazıcı, H Albayrak, D Cakıroglu
First report of bovine rotavirus and bovine coronavirus seroprevalance in goats in Turkey
OS Gumusova, Z Yazici, H Albayrak, D Çakiroglu
Veterinarski glasnik 61 (1-2), 75-79, 2007
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