Femin Yalcin
Femin Yalcin
Prof. Dr., Izmir Katip Celebi University
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Cited by
Risk factors for radiation failure in early-stage glottic carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis
G Eskiizmir, Y Baskın, F Yalçın, H Ellidokuz, RL Ferris
Oral oncology 62, 90-100, 2016
Soluble and insoluble dietary fiber consumption and colorectal cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis
ME Arayici, N Mert-Ozupek, F Yalcin, Y Basbinar, H Ellidokuz
Nutrition and Cancer 74 (7), 2412-2425, 2022
Start-up demonstration test based on total successes and total failures with dependent start-ups
F Yalcin, S Eryilmaz
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 61 (1), 227-230, 2012
Distribution of run statistics in partially exchangeable processes
S Eryılmaz, F Yalçın
Metrika 73 (3), 293-304, 2011
A simple compound scan statistic useful for modeling insurance and risk management problems
VM Koutras, MV Koutras, F Yalcin
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 69, 202-209, 2016
q-Geometric and q-Binomial Distributions of Order k
F Yalcin, S Eryilmaz
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 271, 31-38, 2014
On the mean and extreme distances between failures in Markovian binary sequences
S Eryılmaz, F Yalçın
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236 (6), 1502-1510, 2011
Genotyping and analysis of rs27037 polymorphism for ankylosing spondylitis
E Akbulut, A Erdemir, M Özgen, Y Baskin, F Güleç, D Turgut Balik
Sigma J Eng Nat Sci 6 (1), 117-25, 2015
The number of failed components upon system failure when the lifetimes are discretely distributed
S Eryilmaz, F Yalcin
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 225, 108632, 2022
* Concordance in molecular genetic analysis of tumour tissue, plasma, and exhaled breath condensate samples from lung cancer patients
AT Vardarli, L Pelit, C Aldag, K Korba, C Celebi, TN Dizdas, UC Uzun, ...
Journal of Breath Research 14 (3), 036001, 2020
Signatures of series and parallel systems consisting of non disjoint modules
C Franko, F Yalcin
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46 (23), 11425-11439, 2017
A generalized class of correlated run shock models
F Yalcin, S Eryilmaz, AR Bozbulut
Dependence Modeling 6 (1), 131-138, 2018
On a generalization of Ling’s binomial distribution
F Yalcin
Istatistik Journal of The Turkish Statistical Association 6 (3), 110-115, 2013
Investigation and Comparison of Climate Boundary Maps Generated with Various Climate
F Yalcin, D Arca
Interdisciplinary Studies on Contemporary Research Practices in Engineering …, 2024
Production of Flood Risk Maps of Inebolu Basin Using Different Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Methods
D Arca, F Yalcin
Afet ve Risk Dergisi 6 (1), 70-83, 2023
Computing Birnbaum and Barlow-Proschan importance measures using system signature
F Yalcin, C Franko
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 51 (23), 8446-8457, 2022
Kanser Kaydının Önemi ve Kanser Kontrolündeki Yeri
ME Arayıcı, F Yalçın, H Ellidokuz
Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi 30 (5), 366-375, 2021
Examination and Meteorological Evaluation of the Temporal Changes of the Water Surface of Burdur Lake with the Support of Remote Sensing and GIS
A Deniz, Y Femin
New Trends and Frontiers in Engineering, 196-214, 2024
Machine learning algorithms for building height estimations using ICESat-2/ATLAS and Airborne LiDAR data
M Agca, A Yucel, E Kaya, Aİ Daloglu, M Kayalık, M Yetkin, F Yalcın
Earth Science Informatics, 1-12, 2024
Discrete Scan Statistics Generated by Dependent Trials and Their Applications in Reliability
S Eryilmaz, F Yalcin
Handbook of Scan Statistics, 197-204, 2024
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Articles 1–20