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Hydrogen effects on the diesel engine performance and emissions
H Koten
International journal of hydrogen energy 43 (22), 10511-10519, 2018
Investigation of hydrogen usage on combustion characteristics and emissions of a spark ignition engine
Y Karagöz, Ö Balcı, H Köten
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (27), 14243-14256, 2019
Energy, exergy and exergoeconomic analysis of solar-assisted vertical ground source heat pump system for heating season
F Ünal, G Temir, H Köten
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 32, 3929-3942, 2018
Evaluation of the technical and economic aspects of solar photovoltaic plants under different climate conditions and feed-in tariff
D Cura, M Yilmaz, H Koten, S Senthilraja, MM Awad
Sustainable Cities and Society 80, 103804, 2022
Performance effecting parameters of hybrid nanofluids
TR Shah, H Koten, HM Ali
Hybrid nanofluids for convection heat transfer, 179-213, 2020
Effects of the diesel engine parameters on the ignition delay
H Köten, AS Parlakyiğit
Fuel 216, 23-28, 2018
A study in analytical chemistry of adsorption of heavy metal ions using chitosan/graphene nanocomposites
AL-Salman, H Köten, E Kianfar
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 8, 2023
Properties and application of nanostructure in liquid crystals
GF Smaisim, KJ Mohammed, SK Hadrawi, H Koten, E Kianfar
BioNanoScience 13 (2), 819-839, 2023
Thermal performance evaluation for different type of metal oxide water based nanofluids
TT Loong, H Salleh, A Khalid, H Koten
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 0
A comparative CFD analysis of NACA0012 and NACA4412 airfoils
M Yılmaz, H Köten, E Çetinkaya, Z Coşar
Journal of Energy Systems 2 (4), 145-159, 2018
Elemental, thermal and physicochemical investigation of novel biodiesel from wodyetia bifurcata and its properties optimization using artificial neural network (ANN)
A Kolakoti, B Prasadarao, K Satyanarayana, M Setiyo, H Köten, M Raghu
Automotive Experiences 5 (1), 3-15, 2022
The effect of 48V mild hybrid technology on fuel consumption of a passenger car by using simulation cycle
SFZ Abidin, A Khalid, S Zanalli, I Zahari, RIA Jalal, MA Abas, H Koten
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 28, 101492, 2021
The effects of small amount of hydrogen addition on performance and emissions of a direct injection compression ignition engine
A Demirci, H Koten, M Gumus
Thermal science 22 (3), 1395-1404, 2018
Autoignition behavior and emission of biodiesel from palm oil, waste cooking oil, tyre pyrolysis oil, algae and jatropha
RS Nursal, A Khalid, IS Abdullah, N Jaat, N Darlis, H Koten
Fuel 306, 121695, 2021
Compressed biogas-diesel dual-fuel engine optimization study for ultralow emission
H Koten, M Yilmaz, M Zafer Gul
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 6, 571063, 2014
Preparing hybrid nanocomposites on the basis of resole/graphene/carbon fibers for investigating mechanical and thermal properties
Z sabri Abbas, MM Kadhim, A Mahdi Rheima, A jawad al-bayati, ...
BioNanoScience 13 (3), 983-1011, 2023
A study of ignition delay, combustion process and emissions in a high ambient temperature of diesel combustion
IS Abdullah, A Khalid, N Jaat, RS Nursal, H Koten, Y Karagoz
Fuel 297, 120706, 2021
Effect of different levels of ethanol addition on performance, emission, and combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine
H Köten, Y Karagöz, Ö Balcı
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 12 (7), 1687814020943356, 2020
Condensate retention as a function of condensate flow rate on horizontal enhanced pin-fin tubes
HM Ali, H Ali, M Abubaker, A Saieed, W Pao, M Ahmadlouydarab, ...
Thermal Science 23 (6 Part B), 3887-3892, 2019
Performance assessment of a solar powered hydrogen production system and its ANFIS model
S Senthilraja, R Gangadevi, H Köten, R Marimuthu
Heliyon 6 (10), 2020
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Articles 1–20