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A cascade learning system for classification of diabetes disease: Generalized discriminant analysis and least square support vector machine K Polat, S Güneş, A Arslan Expert systems with applications 34 (1), 482-487, 2008 | 419 | 2008 |
A hybrid method for imputation of missing values using optimized fuzzy c-means with support vector regression and a genetic algorithm IB Aydilek, A Arslan Information Sciences 233, 25-35, 2013 | 377 | 2013 |
İlkçağ Felsefe Tarihi: Sofistlerden Platon'a A Arslan İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2008 | 279 | 2008 |
Kamu harcamalarında verimlilik, etkinlik ve denetim A Arslan Maliye dergisi 140 (2), 1-14, 2002 | 272 | 2002 |
A quantitative research on the level of social media addiction among young people in Turkey A Kırık, A Arslan, A Çetinkaya, M Gül International Journal of Sport Culture and Science 3 (3), 108-122, 2015 | 263 | 2015 |
Determination of fuzzy logic membership functions using genetic algorithms A Arslan, M Kaya Fuzzy sets and systems 118 (2), 297-306, 2001 | 247 | 2001 |
The effects of Nigella sativa (Ns), Anthemis hyalina (Ah) and Citrus sinensis (Cs) extracts on the replication of coronavirus and the expression of TRP genes family M Ulasli, SA Gurses, R Bayraktar, O Yumrutas, S Oztuzcu, M Igci, YZ Igci, ... Molecular biology reports 41, 1703-1711, 2014 | 222 | 2014 |
Congenital dislocation of the hip and its relation to swaddling used in Turkey A Kutlu, R Memik, M Mutlu, R Kutlu, A Arslan Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 12 (5), 598-602, 1992 | 212 | 1992 |
A decision support system based on support vector machines for diagnosis of the heart valve diseases E Çomak, A Arslan, İ Türkoğlu Computers in biology and Medicine 37 (1), 21-27, 2007 | 211 | 2007 |
Resveratrol and diabetes: A critical review of clinical studies E Öztürk, AKK Arslan, MB Yerer, A Bishayee Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy 95, 230-234, 2017 | 206 | 2017 |
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İbni Haldun A Arslan İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014 | 173 | 2014 |
A collaborative filtering method based on artificial immune network AM Acilar, A Arslan Expert Systems with Applications 36 (4), 8324-8332, 2009 | 161 | 2009 |
An intelligent system for diagnosis of the heart valve diseases with wavelet packet neural networks I Turkoglu, A Arslan, E Ilkay Computers in Biology and Medicine 33 (4), 319-331, 2003 | 156 | 2003 |
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An expert system for diagnosis of the heart valve diseases I Turkoglu, A Arslan, E Ilkay Expert systems with applications 23 (3), 229-236, 2002 | 149 | 2002 |
İslam felsefesi üzerine A Arslan İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2013 | 145 | 2013 |
Lise ve üniversite öğrencilerinde dijital bağımlılık A Arslan, AM Kırık, M Karaman, A Çetinkaya Uluslararası Hakemli İletişim ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 8 (8), 34-58, 2015 | 140 | 2015 |