Larose e*
Larose e*
ISTerre or CNRS or grenoble or illinois
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Cited by
Postseismic relaxation along the San Andreas fault at Parkfield from continuous seismological observations
F Brenguier, M Campillo, C Hadziioannou, NM Shapiro, RM Nadeau, ...
science 321 (5895), 1478-1481, 2008
Recovering the Green’s function from field-field correlations in an open scattering medium (L)
A Derode, E Larose, M Tanter, J De Rosny, A Tourin, M Campillo, M Fink
Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures
T Lecocq, SP Hicks, K Van Noten, K Van Wijk, P Koelemeijer, ...
Science 369 (6509), 1338-1343, 2020
Stability of monitoring weak changes in multiply scattering media with ambient noise correlation: Laboratory experiments
C Hadziioannou, E Larose, O Coutant, P Roux, M Campillo
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 (6), 3688-3695, 2009
A review of ultrasonic Coda Wave Interferometry in concrete
T Planès, E Larose
Cement and Concrete Research 53, 248-255, 2013
Cross-correlation of random fields: mathematical approach and applications
P Gouedard, L Stehly, F Brenguier, M Campillo, YC De Verdière, ...
How to estimate the Green’s function of a heterogeneous medium between two passive sensors? Application to acoustic waves
A Derode, E Larose, M Campillo, M Fink
Applied Physics Letters 83 (15), 3054-3056, 2003
Correlation of random wavefields: An interdisciplinary review
E Larose, L Margerin, A Derode, B van Tiggelen, M Campillo, N Shapiro, ...
Geophysics 71 (4), SI11-SI21, 2006
Ambient seismic noise monitoring of a clay landslide: Toward failure prediction
G Mainsant, E Larose, C Brönnimann, D Jongmans, C Michoud, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F1), 2012
Imaging from one-bit correlations of wideband diffuse wave fields
E Larose, A Derode, M Campillo, M Fink
Journal of Applied Physics 95 (12), 8393-8399, 2004
Empirical synthesis of time‐asymmetrical Green functions from the correlation of coda waves
A Paul, M Campillo, L Margerin, E Larose, A Derode
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B8), 2005
Monitoring stress related velocity variation in concrete with a 2× 10− 5 relative resolution using diffuse ultrasound
E Larose, S Hall
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 (4), 1853-1856, 2009
Environmental seismology: What can we learn on earth surface processes with ambient noise?
E Larose, S Carrière, C Voisin, P Bottelin, L Baillet, P Guéguen, F Walter, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 116, 62-74, 2015
Depth sensitivity of seismic coda waves to velocity perturbations in an elastic heterogeneous medium
A Obermann, T Planès, E Larose, C Sens-Schönfelder, M Campillo
Geophysical Journal International 194 (1), 372-382, 2013
Imaging preeruptive and coeruptive structural and mechanical changes of a volcano with ambient seismic noise
A Obermann, T Planès, E Larose, M Campillo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (12), 6285-6294, 2013
Weak localization of seismic waves
É Larose, L Margerin, BA Van Tiggelen, M Campillo
Physical review letters 93 (4), 048501, 2004
Locating a small change in a multiple scattering environment
E Larose, T Planes, V Rossetto, L Margerin
Applied Physics Letters 96 (20), 2010
Lunar subsurface investigated from correlation of seismic noise.
E Larose, M Campillo, A Khan, Y Nakamura
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L16201, 2005
Rain and small earthquakes maintain a slow-moving landslide in a persistent critical state
N Bontemps, P Lacroix, E Larose, J Jara, E Taipe
Nature Communications 11 (1), 780, 2020
Potential of ambient seismic noise techniques to monitor the St. Gallen geothermal site (Switzerland)
A Obermann, T Kraft, E Larose, S Wiemer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (6), 4301-4316, 2015
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Articles 1–20