Professor of organic Chemistry, Atatürk University
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Cited by
Stereoselective synthesis of deoxycarbaheptopyranose derivatives: 5a-carba-6-deoxy-α-dl-galacto-heptopyranose and 5a-carba-6-deoxy-α-dl-gulo-heptopyranose
NH Kishali, D Doğan, E Şahin, A Gunel, Y Kara, M Balci
Tetrahedron 67 (6), 1193-1200, 2011
Synthesis and anticancer activity evaluation of new isoindole analogues
A Köse, Y Bal, NH Kishalı, G Şanlı-Mohamed, Y Kara
Medicinal Chemistry Research 26, 779-786, 2017
Evaluation of isoindole derivatives: Antioxidant potential and cytotoxicity in the HT‐29 colon cancer cells
A Kılıç Süloğlu, G Selmanoglu, Ö Gündoğdu, NH Kishalı, G Girgin, ...
Archiv der Pharmazie 353 (11), 2000065, 2020
Synthesis and biological evaluation of new chloro/acetoxy substituted isoindole analogues as new tyrosine kinase inhibitors
A Köse, M Kaya, NH Kishalı, A Akdemir, E Şahin, Y Kara, ...
Bioorganic Chemistry 94, 103421, 2020
Regio‐ and Stereocontrolled Synthesis of (2R*,3R*,4R*)‐3,4‐Dichloro‐1,2,3,4,5,8‐hexahydronaphthalen‐2‐yl Acetate via Tandem SN2′ Reactions
N Horasan‐Kishali, E Sahin, Y Kara
Helvetica chimica acta 89 (6), 1246-1253, 2006
Cyclitols: Conduritols Aminoconduritols and Quercitols
M Balci, M Celik, E Demir, M Ertas, S Gultekin, N Ozturk, Y Kara, ...
Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry: Volume 1, 169-175, 2005
Reduction of 2-phenyl-3a, 4, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-1H-isoindole-1, 3 (2H)-dione with NaBH4: Investigation of exo-selectivity and reaction mechanism via theoretical computations
Ö Gündoğdu, A Atalay, P Turhan, B Anıl, E Şahin, U Bozkaya, NH Kishalı, ...
Journal of Molecular Structure 1319, 139520, 2025
Evaluation of in vivo biological activity profiles of isoindole-1, 3-dione derivatives: Cytotoxicity, toxicology, and histopathology studies
A Köse, M Kaya, C Tomruk, Y Uyanıkgil, N Kishalı, Y Kara, ...
Acs Omega 8 (13), 12512-12521, 2023
Investigation of cytotoxic properties of some isoindole-related compounds bearing silyl and azide groups with in vitro and in silico studies
A Tan, A Köse, D Mete, G Şanlı-Mohamed, NH Kishalı, Y Kara
Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 198 (11), 933-942, 2023
Bazı Metal Oksit (Cd, Sr ve Ni) Nanopartiküllerin Yeşil Sentez Metodu ile Eldesi ve Antimikrobiyal Aktivitesinin Belirlenmesi
H Nadaroğlu, N Kishalı, D Gültekin, E Turgut
Atatürk Üniversitesi, 2019
The photooxygenation of tetrahydronapht alene and its chemical transformation
E Sahin, N Kishalı, Y Kara
Tetrahedron 61, 6665, 2005
Yeni Bir Yöntemle İsoindolin Türevlerinin Sentezi
A Tan, NH Kishalı, Y Kara
Yeni Biyoaktif N-sübstitüenorkantarimit ve N-sübstitüeisoindolin-1, 3-dionTürevi BileşiklerinSentezi
A Tan, NH Kishalı, Y Kara
1, 2, 3-Triazol Yapısı İçeren Yeni Norkantarimit Türevlerinin Sentezi
A Tan, N Kishalı, Y Kara
Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kimya Bölümü-ERZURUM cis-1, 2, 3, 6-Tetrahidroftalimit (1) bileşiği ticari olarak çok kullanım alanı bulmaktadır. Pestisit grubu …
NH Kishalı, B Koç, Y Kara
The Synthesis of cis-1, 2, 3, 6-Tetrahidroftalimit Derivatives
NH Kishalı, B Koç, Y Kara
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Articles 1–16