Bedri Serdar
Bedri Serdar
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi, Orman Mühendisliği Bölümü, Orman Botaniği Anabilim
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Cited by
Suitability of kiwi (Actinidia sinensis Planch.) prunings for particleboard manufacturing
G Nemli, H Kırcı, B Serdar, N Ay
Industrial Crops and Products 17 (1), 39-46, 2003
Effect of altitude and aspect on various wood properties ofOriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) wood
E TOPALOĞLU, N AY, L Altun, B Serdar
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 40 (3), 397-406, 2016
Relationships between environmental variables and wood anatomy of Quercus pontifica C. Koch (Fagaceae)
M Yilmaz, B Serdar, L Altun, A Usta
Fresenius environmental bulletin 17 (7b), 902-910, 2008
Quantifying the effect of pine mistletoe on the growth of Scots pine
E Bilgili, M Ozturk, KA Coskuner, I Baysal, B Serdar, H Yavuz, M Eroglu, ...
Forest Pathology 48 (4), e12435, 2018
Wood anatomy of some Turkish plants with special reference to perforated ray cells
N Merev, Z Gerçek, B Serdar, FE Bak, T Birtürk
Turkish Journal of botany 29 (4), 269-281, 2005
Support vector machines in wood identification: the case of three Salix species from Turkey
K Turhan, B Serdar
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 37 (2), 249-256, 2013
Türkiye’deki Gürgen Yapraklı Kayacık (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.)’ın ekolojik odun anatomisi
Z Gerçek, N Merev, R Anşin, ZC Özkan, S Terzioğlu, B Serdar, T Birtürk
Kasnak Meşesi ve Türkiye Florası Sempozyumu, 21-23, 1998
Türkiye’de doğal olarak yetişen Salicaceae familyası taksonlarının ekolojik odun anatomisi
B Serdar
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon, 2003
Kraft and modified kraft pulping of bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides)
I DENiZ, OT Okan, B Serdar, HI Şahin
Drewno: prace naukowe, doniesienia, komunikaty 60, 2017
The effect of mistletoe (Viscum album) on branch wood and needle anatomy of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
M Ozturk, KA Coskuner, Y Usta, B Serdar, E Bilgili
IAWA journal 40 (2), 352-365, 2019
Characterization of fossil Sequoioxylon wood using analytical instrumental techniques
Ozgenc O, Durmaz S, Serdar B, Boyaci IH, Eksi-Kocak H, Ozt¨ ¨ urk M
Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2018
Perforated ray cells in Salix rizeensis (Salicaceae)
B Serdar, Z Gerçek, N Merev
IAWA Journal 25 (1), 119-120, 2004
New data on Salix anatolica (Salicaceae) endemic to Turkey
S TERZİOĞLU, B Serdar, M Karakose, K ÇOŞKUNÇELEBİ, M Gultepe
Phytotaxa 167 (1), 2014
Calcium oxalate crystal types in three oak species (Quercus L.) in Turkey
B Serdar, H Demiray
Turkish journal of biology 36 (4), 386-393, 2012
Kavak (Populus L.) odunlarının anatomik özelliklerinin anatomik olmayan faktörlere bağlı varyasyonları
B Serdar, Z Gerçek
Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi 3 (1), 76-89, 2007
Impact of white mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. abietis) infection severity on morphology, anatomy and photosynthetic pigment content of the needles of cilicican fir (Abies cilicica)
M Ozturk, KA Coskuner, B Serdar, F Atar, E Bilgili
Flora 294, 152135, 2022
Effects of environmental factors on wood anatomy of black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner subsp. barbata (CA Meyer) Yalt) from two different origins of eastern black sea …
A Usta, M Yilmaz, S Malkocoglu, B Serdar, S Yilmaz, T Bozlar
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 23 (8), 1778-1784, 2014
Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’ndeki bazı meyve ağaçlarının odun anatomisi özellikleri ve kâğıt üretimi açısından değerlendirilmesi
E Topaloğlu, M Öztürk, D Ustaömer, B Serdar
Ormancılık Araştırma Dergisi 6 (2), 142-151, 2019
Anatomical notes on Turkish Frangula alnus Mill. (Rhamnaceae)
B Serdar, K Coşkunçelebi, S Terzioğlu, A Hampe
Plant Biosystems 141 (1), 69-74, 2007
An alternative approach in sectioning of archaeological woods: the case of Quercus pontica
B Serdar, R Mazlum
Turkish Journal of Botany 38 (3), 623-626, 2014
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