Arindam Paul
Arindam Paul
Lead Data Scientist (ML Research), American Family Insurance
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ElemNet: Deep Learning the Chemistry of Materials From Only Elemental Composition
D Jha, L Ward, A Paul, W Liao, A Choudhary, C Wolverton, A Agrawal
Scientific Reports,, 2018
Data-driven prediction of the high-dimensional thermal history in directed energy deposition processes via recurrent neural networks
M Mozaffar, A Paul, R Al-Bahrani, S Wolff, A Choudhary, A Agrawal, ...
Manufacturing letters 18, 35-39, 2018
A real-time iterative machine learning approach for temperature profile prediction in additive manufacturing processes
A Paul, M Mozaffar, Z Yang, W Liao, A Choudhary, J Cao, A Agrawal
2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced …, 2019
" Is it Weird to Still Be a Virgin" Anonymous, Locally Targeted Questions on Facebook Confession Boards
J Birnholtz, NAR Merola, A Paul
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Integrated software quality evaluation: a fuzzy multi-criteria approach
JS Challa, A Paul, Y Dada, V Nerella, PR Srivastava, AP Singh
Journal of Information Processing Systems 7 (3), 473-518, 2011
Microstructure Optimization with Constrained Design Objectives using Machine Learning-Based Feedback-Aware Data-Generation
A Paul, P Acar, W Liao, A Choudhary, V Sundararaghavan, A Agrawal
Computational Materials Science 160, 334-351, 2019
CheMixNet: Mixed DNN Architectures for Predicting Chemical Properties using Multiple Molecular Representations
A Paul, D Jha, R Al-Bahrani, A Liao, Wei-keng, Choudhary, A Agrawal
2018 NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Molecules and Materials (MLMM), 2018
Towards a generic physics-based machine learning model for geometry invariant thermal history prediction in additive manufacturing
KL Ness, A Paul, L Sun, Z Zhang
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 302, 117472, 2022
Property Prediction of Organic Donor Molecules for Photovoltaic Applications using Extremely Randomized Trees
A Paul, A Furmanchuk, W Liao, A Choudhary, A Agrawal
Journal of Molecular Informatics 38, 2019
Transfer Learning Using Ensemble Neural Networks for Organic Solar Cell Screening
A Paul, D Jha, R Al-Bahrani, W Liao, A Choudhary, A Agrawal
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2019
HADCLEAN: A hybrid approach to data cleaning in data warehouses
A Paul, V Ganesan, JS Challa, Y Sharma
2012 International Conference on Information Retrieval & Knowledge …, 2012
Quantification of software quality parameters using fuzzy multi criteria approach
JS Challa, A Paul, Y Dada, V Nerella, PR Srivastava
2011 International Conference on Process Automation, Control and Computing, 1-6, 2011
Data Sampling Schemes for Microstructure Design with Vibrational Tuning Constraints
A Paul, P Acar, R Liu, W Liao, A Choudhary, V Sundararaghavan, ...
AIAA Journal, 2018
An Attention-driven Long Short-Term Memory Network for High Throughput Virtual Screening of Organic Photovoltaic Candidate Molecules
R Richards, A Paul
Solar Energy 224 (August 2021), 43-50, 2021
A Multi-input Multi-label Claims Channeling System Using Insurance-Based Language Models
A Dimri, A Paul, D Girish, P Lee, S Afra, A Jakubowski
Expert Systems with Applications, 2022
A General Framework Combining Generative Adversarial Networks and Mixture Density Networks for Inverse Modeling in Microstructural Materials Design
Z Yang, D Jha, A Paul, W Liao, A Choudhary, A Agrawal
2020 NeurIPS workshop on Machine Learning for Engineering Modeling …, 2020
Generative Adversarial Networks and Mixture Density Networks based Inverse Modeling for Microstructural Materials Design
Y Mao, Z Yang, D Jha, A Paul, W Liao, A Choudhary, A Agrawal
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 2022
An AI-Driven Microstructure Optimization Framework for Elastic Properties of Titanium Beyond Cubic Crystal Systems
Y Mao, M Hasan, A Paul, V Gupta, K Choudhary, F Tavazza, W Liao, ...
npj Computational Materials 9 (111), 2023
AnonyMine: Mining anonymous social media posts using psycho-lingual and crowd-sourced dictionaries
A Paul, A Agrawal, W Liao, A Choudhary
Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM) at SIG …, 2016
Detecting Sybils in peer-to-peer overlays using psychometric analysis methods
K Haribabu, A Paul, C Hota
2011 IEEE Workshops of International Conference on Advanced Information …, 2011
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Articles 1–20