Ergin TARI
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Cited by
Seven years of postseismic deformation following the 1999, M = 7.4 and M = 7.2, Izmit‐Düzce, Turkey earthquake sequence
S Ergintav, S McClusky, E Hearn, R Reilinger, R Cakmak, T Herring, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B7), 2009
Determining and modeling tectonic movements along the central part of the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) using geodetic measurements
H Yavaşoğlu, E Tarı, O Tüysüz, Z Çakır, S Ergintav
Journal of Geodynamics 51 (5), 339-343, 2011
A new transition curve with enhanced properties
E Tari, O Baykal
Canadian journal of civil engineering 32 (5), 913-923, 2005
Active tectonics of the Black Sea with GPS
E Tari, M Sahin, A Barka, R Reilinger, RW King, S McClusky, M Prilepin
Earth, planets and space 52, 747-751, 2000
New transition curve joining two straight lines
O Baykal, E Tari, Z Çoşkun, M Şahin
Journal of Transportation Engineering 123 (5), 337-345, 1997
The august 17 kocaeli and the november 12 duzce earthquakes in Turkey
M Sahin, E Tari
Earth, planets and space 52 (10), 753-757, 2000
An alternative curve in the use of high speed transportation systems
E Tari, O Baykal
ARI-An International Journal for Physical and Engineering Sciences 51, 126-135, 1998
Transition curve modeling with kinematical properties: research on log-aesthetic curves
A Arslan, E Tari, R Ziatdinov, RI Nabiyev
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 11 (5), 509-517, 2014
The 2014, MW6.9 North Aegean earthquake: seismic and geodetic evidence for coseismic slip on persistent asperities
AO Konca, S Cetin, H Karabulut, R Reilinger, U Dogan, S Ergintav, ...
Geophysical Journal International 213 (2), 1113-1120, 2018
Accuracy of point layout with polar coordinates
O Baykal, E Tari, MZ Coşkun, T Erden
Journal of surveying engineering 131 (3), 87-93, 2005
The new generation transition curves
E Tarı
ITU ARI Bulletin of Istanbul Technical University 54 (01), 34-41, 2004
Monitoring of deformations along Burdur Fethiye Fault zone with GPS
S Erdoğan, M Şahin, H Yavaşoğlu, İ Tiryakioğlu, T Erden, H Karaman, ...
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 12 (S2), 109-118, 2008
Türk itfaiye teşkilatının yeniden yapılandırılması için bir model önerisi
N Yentürk, A Ünlü, E Tarı, A İlki
İçişleri Bakanlığı Strateji Merkezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Afet …, 2002
Kinematics of the Kahramanmaraş triple junction and of Cyprus: evidence of shear partitioning
V Özbey, AMC Sengör, P Henry, MS Özeren, AJ Haines, EC Klein, E Tarı, ...
BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 195 (1), 15, 2024
A u-net based segmentation and classification approach over orthophoto maps of archaeological sites
G Gök, S Küçük, M Kurt, E Tarı
2023 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2023
GPS Gözlem Süresinin Yüksek Doğruluklu Çalışmalarda Zaman Serileri ve Hız Vektörleri Üzerine Etkisi
SS Yıldız, AL Yağcı, A Özkan, H Yavaşoğlu, MU Altın, E Tarı
Jeodezi ve Jeoinformasyon Dergisi, 2009
GPS measurements along the North Anatolian fault zone on the Mid-Anatolia segment
H Yavasoglu, E Tari, H Karaman, M Sahin, O Baykal, T Erden, S Bilgi, ...
Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Engineering Roles: IAG …, 2006
Geçki tasarımında yeni eğri yaklaşımları
E Tarı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1997
Disaster information system of Turkey (TABIS): GIS standards
M Sahin, D Ucar, E Tari, C Ipbuker
HAZTURK, Strategies for an earthquake loss estimation program for Turkey …, 2005
GIS Standards of Turkey based on Emergency Management
H Karaman, M Sahin, D Ucar, O Baykal, H Turkoglu, E Tari, C Ipbuker, ...
International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems, 82-85, 2002
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