Peyami Battal
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Changes in phytohormone contents in chickpea seeds germinating under lead or zinc stress
Ö Atici, G Ağar, P Battal
Biologia plantarum 49, 215-222, 2005
Influence of long term storage on plant growth substance levels, germination and seedling growth in legume seeds stored for 37 years.
O Atıcı, G Agar, P Battal
The effects of an artificial and static magnetic field on plant growth, chlorophyll and phytohormone levels in maize and sunflower plants
M Turker, C Temirci, P Battal, ME Erez
Phyton Ann. Rei Bot 46, 271-284, 2007
The effects of different mineral nutrients on the levels of cytokinins in maize (Zea mays L.)
Turkish Journal of Botany 25 (3), 123-130, 2001
Molecular and physiological changes in maize (Zea mays) induced by exogenous NAA, ABA and MeJa during cold stress
P Battal, ME Erez, M Turker, I Berber
Annales Botanici Fennici 45 (3), 173-185, 2008
Changes in anatomical structure and levels of endogenous phytohormones during leaf rolling in Ctenanthe setosa under drought stress
N Kutlu, R Terzi, Ç Tekeli, G Şenel, P Battal, A KADIOĞLU
Turkish Journal of Biology 33 (2), 115-122, 2009
Fatty acid, sugar and vitamin contents in rose hip species
IH Yoruk, M Turker, A Kazankaya, ME Erez, P Batta, F Celik
Asian J. Chem 20 (2), 1357-1364, 2008
Allelopathic effects of plants extracts on physiological and cytological processes during maize seed germination
M Turker, P Battal, G Agar, M Gulluce, F Sahin, ME Erez, N Yildirim
Allelopathy Journal 21 (2), 273, 2008
Free sugar compositions based on kernel taste in almond genotypes Prunus dulcis from Eastern Turkey
F Balta, P Battal, M Fikret Balta, HI Yoruk
Chemistry of Natural Compounds 45, 221-224, 2009
Effects of some mineral nutrients on gibberellic acid levels in maize plants (Zea mays L.)
P Battal
Economic Botany 58 (2), 195-203, 2004
Effect of the air pollutant sulfur dioxide on phytohormone levels in some lichens
P Battal, A Aslan, M Turker, Y Uzun
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 13 (5), 436-440, 2004
Interaction between endogenous plant hormones and alpha-amylase in germinating chickpea seeds under cadmium exposure
O Atici, G Agar, P Battal
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 12 (7), 2003
Phytotoxical effect of Lepidium draba L. extracts on the germination and growth of monocot (Zea mays L.) and dicot (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) seeds
Y Kaya, O Aksakal, S Sunar, FA Erturk, S Bozari, G Agar, ME Erez, ...
Toxicology and industrial health 31 (3), 247-254, 2015
Analysis of sugar composition in nut crops
A Kazankaya, MF Balta, IH Yörük, F Balta, P Battal
Asian Journal of Chemistry 20 (2), 1519, 2008
Phytohormone levels in germinating seeds of Zea mays L. exposed to selenium and aflatoxines
G Ağar, M Türker, P Battal, ME Erez
Ecotoxicology 15, 443-450, 2006
Determination of phytohormones level in some dried and fresh macrofungi taxa.
M TüRKER, K Demırel, Y Uzun, P Battal, B Tıleklıoğlu
Effects of different mineral nutrients on abscisic acid in maize (Zea mays)
P Battal, M Turker, B Tileklioğlu
Annales Botanici Fennici, 301-308, 2003
Phytohormone levels of drought acclimated laurel seedlings in semiarid conditions
LY Aktas, H Akca, N Altun, P Battal
General and Applied Plant Physiology 34 (3), 203-214, 2008
Interaction between endogenous plant hormones and α-amylase in germinating chickpea seeds under cadmium exposure.
Ö Atıcı, G Ağar, P Battal
Endogenous hormone levels in bearing and non-bearing shoots of walnut (Juglans regia L.) and their mutual relationships
F Muradoglu, F Balta, P Battal
Acta physiologiae plantarum 32, 53-57, 2010
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Articles 1–20