Prof. Dr. Hakan Kibar
Prof. Dr. Hakan Kibar
Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Department of Seed Science and Technology
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Cited by
Physical and mechanical properties of soybean
H Kibar, T Ozturk
Int. Agrophysics 22 (3), 239-244, 2008
The effect of moisture content on physical and mechanical properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
H Kibar, T Öztürk, B Esen
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (3), 741-749, 2010
Influence of storage conditions on the quality properties of wheat varieties
H Kibar
Journal of Stored Products Research 62, 8-15, 2015
Determination of the nutritional and seed properties of some wild edible plants consumed as vegetable in the Middle Black Sea Region of Turkey
B Kibar, H Kibar
South African Journal of Botany 108, 117-125, 2017
The effect of moisture content on the physico-mechanical properties of some hazelnut varieties
H Kibar, T Öztürk
Journal of Stored Products Research 45 (1), 14-18, 2009
Design and management of postharvest potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) storage structures
H Kibar
Ordu Univ. J. Sci. Tech 2 (1), 23-48, 2012
Changes in some nutritional, bioactive and morpho-physiological properties of common bean depending on cold storage and seed moisture contents
H Kibar, B Kibar
Journal of Stored Products Research 84, 101531, 2019
Effect of storage conditions on nutritional quality and color characteristics of quinoa varieties
H Kibar, F Sönmez, S Temel
Journal of Stored Products Research 91, 101761, 2021
Evaluation of biochemical changes and quality in peach fruit: Effect of putrescine treatments and storage
H Kibar, A Taş, M Gündoğdu
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 102, 104048, 2021
Determining the Functional Characteristics of Wheat and Corn Grains Depending on Storage Time and Temperature
H Kibar
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 40 (4), 749-759, 2016
Effective engineering properties in the design of storage structures of postharvest dry bean grain
H Kibar, T Öztürk, KE Temizel
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy 36, 147-158, 2014
Determination of Concrete Quality with Destructive and Non-Destructive Methods
H Kibar, T Öztürk
Computers and Concrete 15 (3), 473-484, 2015
Sert Kabuklu Meyvelerin Depolanması
H Kibar, T Öztürk
Selçuk Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Selçuk Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri …, 2009
Sıcaklık ve yağış değişiminin Iğdır ilinde bitkisel ürün deseni üzerine etkileri
H Kibar, B Kibar, M Sürmen
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 11 (1), 2014
Tombul fındık depolamasında tane özelliklerine bağlı olarak ansys programıyla optimum silo tasarımı
H Kibar
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
An in-depth study on post-harvest storage conditions depending on putrescine treatments of kiwifruit
A Taş, SK Berk, H Kibar, M Gündoğdu
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 111, 104605, 2022
Depolamada Ortaya Çıkan Ürün Kayıplarının Nedenleri ve Çözüm Önerileri
H Kibar, T Öztürk
I Ulusal Sulama ve Tarımsal Yapılar Sempozyumu 2, 2010
Kinetic modeling and multivariate analysis on germination parameters of quinoa varieties: Effects of storage temperatures and durations
H Kibar, S Temel, B Yücesan
Journal of Stored Products Research 94, 101880, 2021
Effects of storage durations at different temperatures on various physiological parameters of einkorn seed (Triticum monucocum L.) germination
H Kibar, B Yücesan
Journal of Stored Products Research 93, 101851, 2021
Assessing mineral composition and morpho-physiological properties of de-hulled einkorn wheat during storage at different moisture levels
H Kibar
Journal of Stored Products Research 83, 200-208, 2019
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Articles 1–20