Prof. Dr. Aysegul ABUSOGLU
Cited by
Cited by
Exergoeconomic analysis and optimization of combined heat and power production: A review
A Abusoglu, M Kanoglu
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (9), 2295-2308, 2009
Waste to energy technologies for municipal solid waste management in Gaziantep
A Tozlu, E Özahi, A Abuşoğlu
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 54, 809-815, 2016
Exergetic and thermoeconomic analyses of diesel engine powered cogeneration: Part 1–Formulations
A Abusoglu, M Kanoglu
Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2-3), 234-241, 2009
First and second law analysis of diesel engine powered cogeneration systems
A Abusoglu, M Kanoglu
Energy Conversion and Management 49 (8), 2026-2031, 2008
Performance characteristics of a diesel engine power plant,
M Kanoglu, SK Isik, A Abusoglu
Energy Conversion and Management 46, 1692-1702, 2005
Exergetic cost evaluation of hydrogen production powered by combined flash-binary geothermal power plant
C Yilmaz, M Kanoglu, A Abusoglu
International journal of hydrogen energy 40 (40), 14021-14030, 2015
Life cycle assessment (LCA) of digested sewage sludge incineration for heat and power production
A Abuşoğlu, E Özahi, Aİ Kutlar, H Al-jaf
Journal of Cleaner Production 142, 1684-1692, 2017
Thermoeconomic multi-objective optimization of an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) adapted to an existing solid waste power plant
E Özahi, A Tozlu, A Abuşoğlu
Energy conversion and management 168, 308-319, 2018
Geothermal energy use in absorption precooling for Claude hydrogen liquefaction cycle
M Kanoglu, C Yilmaz, A Abusoglu
international journal of hydrogen energy 41 (26), 11185-11200, 2016
Thermoeconomic cost evaluation of hydrogen production driven by binary geothermal power plant
C Yilmaz, M Kanoglu, A Abusoglu
Geothermics 57, 18-25, 2015
Exergoeconomic assessment of a geothermal assisted high temperature steam electrolysis system
M Kanoglu, A Ayanoglu, A Abusoglu
Energy 36 (7), 4422-4433, 2011
Causes, impacts and solutions to global warming
I Dincer, CO Colpan, F Kadioglu
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Comparative exergoenvironmental analysis and assessment of various residential heating systems
A Abusoglu, MS Sedeeq
Energy and Buildings 62, 268-277, 2013
Thermoeconomic analysis and optimization of a Re-compression supercritical CO2 cycle using waste heat of Gaziantep Municipal Solid Waste Power Plant
A Tozlu, A Abuşoğlu, E Özahi
Energy 143, 168-180, 2018
Thermoeconomic assessment of a sustainable municipal wastewater treatment system
A Abusoglu, S Demir, M Kanoglu
Renewable Energy 48, 424-435, 2012
Energy and economic analyses of models developed for sustainable hydrogen production from biogas-based electricity and sewage sludge
A Abuşoğlu, S Demir, E Özahi
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (31), 13426-13435, 2016
A comparative thermodynamic and economic analysis and assessment of a conventional HVAC and a VRF system in a social and cultural center building
E Özahi, A Abuşoğlu, Aİ Kutlar, O Dağcı
Energy and Buildings 140, 196-209, 2017
A comparative thermoeconomic cost accounting analysis and evaluation of biogas engine-powered cogeneration
D Haydargil, A Abuşoğlu
Energy 159, 97-114, 2018
District heating and electricity production based on biogas produced from municipal WWTPs in Turkey: A comprehensive case study
A Abusoglu, A Tozlu, A Anvari-Moghaddam
Energy 223, 119904, 2021
Exergy analyses of green hydrogen production methods from biogas-based electricity and sewage sludge
A Abuşoğlu, E Özahi, Aİ Kutlar, S Demir
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (16), 10986-10996, 2017
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Articles 1–20