Omer Lutfi Sen
Omer Lutfi Sen
Professor of Hydroclimatology, Istanbul Technical University
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Cited by
A highly resolved regional climate model (IPRC-RegCM) and its simulation of the 1998 severe precipitation event over China. Part I: Model description and verification of simulation
Y Wang, OL Sen, B Wang
Journal of Climate 16 (11), 1721-1738, 2003
Climate change impacts in the Euphrates–Tigris Basin based on different model and scenario simulations
D Bozkurt, OL Sen
Journal of hydrology 480, 149-161, 2013
Climatic effects of urbanization in Istanbul: a statistical and modeling analysis
Y Ezber, O Lutfi Sen, T Kindap, M Karaca
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2007
Simulating land-cover change in montane mainland Southeast Asia
J Fox, JB Vogler, OL Sen, TW Giambelluca, AD Ziegler
Environmental management 49, 968-979, 2012
Impact of Indochina deforestation on the East Asian summer monsoon
OL Sen, Y Wang, B Wang
Journal of Climate 17 (6), 1366-1380, 2004
Precipitation in the Anatolian Peninsula: sensitivity to increased SSTs in the surrounding seas
D Bozkurt, OL Sen
Climate dynamics 36, 711-726, 2011
Evaluation of the twenty-first century RCM simulations driven by multiple GCMs over the Eastern Mediterranean–Black Sea region
B Önol, D Bozkurt, UU Turuncoglu, OL Sen, HN Dalfes
Climate dynamics 42, 1949-1965, 2014
Osmanlı'da mahkûm olmak: Avrupalılaşma sürecinde hapishaneler
Ö Şen
Kapı Yayınları, 2007
Climate change impacts on snowmelt runoff for mountainous transboundary basins in eastern Turkey.
I Yucel, A Güventürk, OL Sen
International Journal of Climatology 35 (2), 2015
A holistic view of climate change and its impacts in Turkey
ÖL Şen
Report. Istanbul Policy Centre, Sabanci University, Istanbul, 2013
Downscaled simulations of the ECHAM5, CCSM3 and HadCM3 global models for the eastern Mediterranean–Black Sea region: evaluation of the reference period
D Bozkurt, U Turuncoglu, OL Sen, B Onol, HN Dalfes
Climate dynamics 39, 207-225, 2012
Temporal changes in the Euphrates and Tigris discharges and teleconnections
OL Sen, A Unal, D Bozkurt, T Kindap
Environmental Research Letters 6 (2), 024012, 2011
Quality control and homogeneity of Turkish precipitation data
OM Göktürk, D Bozkurt, ÖL Şen, M Karaca
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (16), 3210-3218, 2008
Türkiye’de iklim değişikliği ve olası etkileri
ÖL Şen, D Bozkurt, OM Göktürk, B Dündar, B Altürk
Taşkın Sempozyumu 29, 30, 2013
Osmanlı panayırları (18.-19. yüzyıl)
Ö Şen
(No Title), 1996
Impact of field‐calibrated vegetation parameters on GCM climate simulations
OL Sen, LA Bastidas, WJ Shuttleworth, ZL Yang, HV Gupta, S Sorooshian
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 127 (574), 1199-1223, 2001
Using haptics to convey cause-and-effect relations in climate visualization
N Yannier, C Basdogan, S Tasiran, OL Sen
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 1 (2), 130-141, 2008
Evaporation from a riparian system in a semi‐arid environment
HE Unland, AM Arain, C Harlow, PR Houser, J Garatuza‐Payan, P Scott, ...
Hydrological Processes 12 (4), 527-542, 1998
İklim değişikliğinde son gelişmeler: IPCC 2013 raporu
M Türkeş, ÖL Şen, L Kurnaz, Ö Madra, Ü Şahin
Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi, 2013
Projected river discharge in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin from a hydrological discharge model forced with RCM and GCM outputs
D Bozkurt, OL Sen, S Hagemann
Climate Research 62 (2), 131-147, 2015
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Articles 1–20