Progressive development of the Büyük Menderes Graben based on new data, western Turkey ÖF Gürer, N Sarica-Filoreau, M Özburan, E Sangu, B Doğan Geological Magazine 146 (5), 652-673, 2009 | 127 | 2009 |
Nannoplankton dating in the Black Sea inverted margin of Central Pontides (Turkey) reveals two episodes of rifting JC Hippolyte, C Müller, N Kaymakci, E Sangu Sedimentary basin tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian …, 2010 | 109* | 2010 |
Complex basin evolution in the Gökova Gulf region: implications on the Late Cenozoic tectonics of southwest Turkey ÖF Gürer, E Sanğu, M Özburan, A Gürbüz, N Sarica-Filoreau International Journal of Earth Sciences 102, 2199-2221, 2013 | 64 | 2013 |
Lithospheric structural control on inversion of the southern margin of the Black Sea Basin, Central Pontides, Turkey N Espurt, JC Hippolyte, N Kaymakci, E Sangu Lithosphere 6 (1), 26-34, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
Neotectonics of the SW Marmara region, NW Anatolia, Turkey ÖF Gürer, E Sangu, M Özburan Geological Magazine 143 (2), 229-241, 2006 | 59 | 2006 |
Cross-sectional anatomy and geodynamic evolution of the Central Pontide orogenic belt (northern Turkey) JC Hippolyte, N Espurt, N Kaymakci, E Sangu, C Müller International Journal of Earth Sciences 105, 81-106, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |
Age and geodynamic evolution of the Black Sea Basin: Tectonic evidences of rifting in Crimea JC Hippolyte, A Murovskaya, Y Volfman, T Yegorova, O Gintov, ... Marine and Petroleum Geology 93, 298-314, 2018 | 43 | 2018 |
Stratigraphic comparisons along the Pontides (Turkey) based on new nannoplankton age determinations in the Eastern Pontides: geodynamic implications JC Hippolyte, C Müller, E Sangu, N Kaymakci Geological Society, London, Special Publications 428 (1), 323-358, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Plio-Quaternary kinematic development and paleostress pattern of the Edremit Basin, western Turkey ÖF Gürer, E Sangu, M Özburan, A Gürbüz, A Gürer, H Sinir Tectonophysics 679, 199-210, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Compound geotourism and mine tourism potentiality of Soma region, Turkey A Gürer, ÖF Gürer, E Sangu Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12, 1-14, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
Environmental impact of mining activities on surface water and sediment qualities around Murgul copper mine, Northeastern Turkey I Yolcubal, AD Demiray, E Çiftçi, E Sanğu Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-25, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Fault kinematic and Plio-Quaternary paleostress evolution of the Bakırçay basin, western Turkey E Sangu, ÖF Gürer, A Gürer International Geology Review 62 (10), 1245-1261, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Determination of recharge, storage and flow characteristics of a karst aquifer using multi-method approaches (Kocaeli, Turkey) Ş Ahmet, Y İrfan, S Ercan Hydrogeology Journal 28 (6), 2141-2157, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Late Cenozoic shift from extension to strike-slip stress regime in the west of the Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey ÖF Gürer, E Sanğu, A Gürer, M Akın Journal of Structural Geology 148, 104348, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Kütahya dolayının Neotektonik incelemesi ÖF Gürer, M Özburan, E Sangu, B Doğan Kocaeli Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü BAP-Proje, 2005 | 7 | 2005 |
Orta ve Doğu Pontidlerin Kretase-Tersiyer Jeodinamiği N Kaymakci, B Rojay, E Sangu, P Ertepınar-Kaymakci Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu Projesi. Project No: ÇAYDAG …, 2007 | 3 | 2007 |
The impact of livestock activities and geochemical processes on groundwater quality of fractured volcanic rock aquifer: Lake Çıldır watershed (NE Turkey) SM Govarchin, İ Yolcubal, A Şener, E Sanğu, K Güneş, M Beşiktaş Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (3), 436, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Role of Secondary Sulfate Minerals on Metal Recycling in an Abandoned Copper Deposit: Kuvarshan (Artvin), Northeastern Turkey I Yolcubal, A Doğrul Demiray, E Çiftçi, E Sangu Mine Water and the Environment 42 (4), 560-577, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Ore Mineralogy of High Sulfidation Çorak-Taç Epimesothermal Gold Deposit (Yusufeli-Artvin-Turkey) K Diarra, E Sangu, E Çiftçi 14th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy (ICAM2019) Belgorod State …, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
To Embed Geosites In An Area wıth Great Tourism Activity: A Proposal for Köyceğız, Türkiye A Gürer, ÖF Gürer, E Sanğu, M Çevik, EG Benli Geoheritage 16 (2), 42, 2024 | | 2024 |