Conrado Diego García-Gómez
Conrado Diego García-Gómez
Associate Professor of Finance - University of Valladolid / Researcher - CEF University of Porto
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Economic policy uncertainty and corporate investment: Evidence from the US hospitality industry
S Akron, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, CD García-Gómez
Tourism Management 77, 104019, 2020
The impact of policy responses to COVID-19 on US travel and leisure companies
MH Chen, E Demir, CD García-Gómez, A Zaremba
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 1 (1), 100003, 2020
Are religion and culture relevant for corporate risk-taking? International evidence
JM Díez-Esteban, JB Farinha, CD García-Gómez
BRQ Business Research Quarterly 22 (1), 36-55, 2019
The impact of geopolitical risks on cash holdings of hospitality companies: Evidence from emerging countries
E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, CD García-Gómez
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 39, 166-174, 2019
The asymmetric effect of bitcoin on altcoins: evidence from the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model
E Demir, S Simonyan, CD García-Gómez, CKM Lau
Finance Research Letters 40, 101754, 2021
The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on hotels’ value compared to previous diseases: the role of ALFO strategy
CD García-Gómez, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, Y Bilan
Heliyon 7 (8), 2021
Understanding the effects of economic policy uncertainty on US tourism firms’ performance
CD García-Gómez, E Demir, MH Chen, JM Díez-Esteban
Tourism Economics 28 (5), 1174-1192, 2022
Corporate risk-taking, returns and the nature of major shareholders: Evidence from prospect theory
JM Díez-Esteban, CD García-Gómez, FJ López-Iturriaga, ...
Research in International Business and Finance 42, 900-911, 2017
How does national culture affect corporate risk-taking?
JM Díez-Esteban, JB Farinha, CD García-Gómez
Eurasian Business Review 9, 49-68, 2019
The role of institutional investors in propagating the 2007 financial crisis in Southern Europe
JM Díez-Esteban, JB Farinha, CD García-Gómez
Research in International Business and Finance 38, 439-454, 2016
How does uncertainty affect corporate investment inefficiency? Evidence from Europe
S Akron, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, CD García-Gómez
Research in International Business and Finance 62, 101752, 2022
Does board composition and ownership structure affect banks’ systemic risk? European evidence
Díez-Esteban J.M., Farinha J.B., García-Gómez C.D., Mateus C.
Journal of Banking Regulation, 2021
Evidencia internacional sobre la influencia de los grandes accionistas en el riesgo corporativo
JM Díez Esteban, CD García Gómez, FJ López Iturriaga
Revista española de financiación y contabilidad 160, 487-512, 2013
Corporate risk taking and financial crisis: The role of institutional investors
O Gomez
Transformations in Business & Economics 13 (1), 31, 2014
Investment inefficiency in the hospitality industry: The role of economic policy uncertainty
CD García-Gómez, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, B Popesko
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 54, 383-391, 2023
Leverage and performance: The case of the US hospitality industry
CD García-Gómez, MH Bilgin, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, ...
Quantitative Finance and Economics 5 (2), 228-246, 2021
Corruption, national culture and corporate investment: European evidence
CD García-Gómez, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, E Lizarzaburu Bolaños
The European Journal of Finance 30 (4), 411-429, 2024
Formal institutions, ICSID arbitration and firm performance: evidence from Latin America
S Enriquez-Perales, CD García-Gómez, JM Díez-Esteban, ERL Bolaños
Eurasian Business Review 13 (2), 429-464, 2023
CSR in Education on Business Confidence: Mediation Effect of Corporate Reputation in the Peruvian Banking Sector
EL Bolaños, J Del Brío, CD García-Gómez
Sustainability 14 (2), 833, 2022
Do CEO characteristics matter for corporate risk taking? Evidence from Russia
CD García-Gómez, M Zavertiaeva, FJ López Iturriaga
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 23 (5 …, 2023
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