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Andrej Šorgo
Andrej Šorgo
Professor of Biology didactics, University of Maribor
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The acceptance and use of interactive whiteboards among teachers: Differences in UTAUT determinants between pre-and post-adopters
B Šumak, A Šorgo
Computers in Human Behavior 64, 602-620, 2016
Attributes of digital natives as predictors of information literacy in higher education
A Šorgo, T Bartol, D Dolničar, B Boh Podgornik
British Journal of Educational Technology 48 (3), 749-767, 2017
Information and communication technologies (ICT) in biology teaching in Slovenian secondary schools
A Šorgo, T Verčkovnik, S Kocijančič
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 6 (1), 37-46, 2010
Development, testing, and validation of an information literacy test (ILT) for higher education
B Boh Podgornik, D Dolničar, A Šorgo, T Bartol
Journal of the association for Information Science and Technology 67 (10 …, 2016
Differences between prospective, existing, and former users of interactive whiteboards on external factors affecting their adoption, usage and abandonment
B Šumak, M Pušnik, M Heričko, A Šorgo
Computers in Human Behavior 72, 733-756, 2017
Changes in Online Distance Learning Behaviour of University Students during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak, and Development of the Model of Forced Distance Online …
M Ploj Virtic, K Dolenc, A Šorgo
European Journal of Educational Research 10 (1), 393-411, 2021
From municipal/industrial wastewater sludge and FOG to fertilizer: A proposal for economic sustainable sludge management
B Bratina, A Šorgo, J Kramberger, U Ajdnik, LF Zemljič, J Ekart, R Šafarič
Journal of environmental management 183, 1009-1025, 2016
Differences in acquired knowledge and attitudes achieved with traditional, computer-supported and virtual laboratory biology laboratory exercises
A Špernjak, A Šorgo
Journal of Biological Education 52 (2), 206-220, 2018
Knowlege of, attitudes toward, and acceptance of genetically modified organisms among prospective teachers of biology, home economics, and grade school in Slovenia
A Šorgo, J Ambrožič‐Dolinšek
Biochemistry and molecular biology education 38 (3), 141-150, 2010
Connecting biology and mathematics: first prepare the teachers
A Šorgo
CBE—Life Sciences Education 9 (3), 196-200, 2010
Comparison between a real field trip and a virtual field trip in a nature preserve: knowledge gained in biology and ecology
M Puhek, M Perše, A Šorgo
Journal of Baltic science education 11 (2), 164, 2012
The difference in views of educators and students on Forced Online Distance Education can lead to unintentional side effects
K Dolenc, A Šorgo, M Ploj Virtič
Education and information technologies 26 (6), 7079-7105, 2021
Are children actually losing contact with nature, or is it that their experiences differ from those of 120 years ago?
P Novotný, E Zimová, A Mazouchová, A Šorgo
Environment and Behavior 53 (9), 931-952, 2021
Practical work in biology, chemistry and physics at lower secondary and general upper secondary schools in Slovenia
A Šorgo, A Špernjak
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 8 (1), 11-19, 2012
Can we grow buildings? Concepts and requirements for automated nano-to meter-scale building
D Rebolj, M Fischer, D Endy, T Moore, A Šorgo
Advanced engineering informatics 25 (2), 390-398, 2011
The journey of a sandwich: computer-based laboratory experiments about the human digestive system in high school biology teaching
A Sorgo, Z Hajdinjak, D Briski
Advances in physiology education 32 (1), 92-99, 2008
Solfeggio learning and the influence of a mobile application based on visual, auditory and tactile modalities
M Debevc, J Weiss, A Šorgo, I Kožuh
British Journal of Educational Technology 51 (1), 177-193, 2020
Development of spatial thinking abilities in engineering 3D modeling course aimed at lower secondary students
A Šafhalter, S Glodež, A Šorgo, M Ploj Virtič
International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-18, 2020
Opportunity makes the cheater: High school students and academic dishonesty
A Sorgo, M Vavdi, U Cigler, M Kralj
CEPS journal 5 (4), 67-87, 2015
Biology teaching in upper secondary schools: comparative study between Slovenia and Turkey
A Ŝorgo, M Usak, M Aydoğdu, Ö Keleş, J Ambrozic-Dolinšek
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