Shafiqur Rahman
Shafiqur Rahman
Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, North Dakota State University
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Soil cone index in relation to soil texture, moisture content, and bulk density for no-tillage and conventional tillage
A Kumar, Y Chen, MAA Sadek, S Rahman
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 14 (1), 26-37, 2012
Laboratory investigation of cutting forces and soil disturbance resulting from different manure incorporation tools in a loamy sand soil
S Rahman, Y Chen
Soil and Tillage Research 58 (1-2), 19-29, 2001
Prospect of anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure: a review
E Atandi, S Rahman
Environmental Technology Reviews 1 (1), 127-135, 2012
Effect of liquid municipal biosolid application method on tile and ground water quality
DR Lapen, E Topp, M Edwards, L Sabourin, W Curnoe, N Gottschall, ...
Journal of environmental quality 37 (3), 925-936, 2008
Greenhouse gas emissions from housing and manure management systems at confined livestock operations
MS Borhan, S Mukhtar, S Capareda, S Rahman, LFM Rebellon
Waste management—an integrated vision. Rijeka (Croatia): InTech, 259-296, 2012
Soil movement resulting from sweep type liquid manure injection tools
S Rahman, Y Chen, D Lobb
Biosystems Engineering 91 (3), 379-392, 2005
Application of flue gas desulfurization gypsum and its impact on wheat grain and soil chemistry
TM DeSutter, LJ Cihacek, S Rahman
Journal of Environmental Quality 43 (1), 303-311, 2014
Evaluation of excised leaf water loss and relative water content as screening techniques for breeding drought resistant wheat
S Rahman, MS Shaheen, M Rahman, TA Malik
Pak. J. Biol. Sci 3 (4), 663-665, 2000
Runoff potentiality of a watershed through SCS and functional data analysis technique
MI Adham, SM Shirazi, F Othman, S Rahman, Z Yusop, Z Ismail
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 379763, 2014
Greenhouse gas emissions from beef cattle pen surfaces in North Dakota
S Rahman, MS Borhan, K Swanson
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29-August 1, 2012, 1, 2012
Performance of a liquid manure injector in a soil bin and on established forages
S Rahman, Y Chen, Q Zhang, S Tessier, S Baidoo
Canadian Biosystems Engineering 43, 2.33-2.40, 2001
Composting animal manures: a guide to the process and management of animal manure compost
C Augustin, S Rahman
North Dakota State University, 2010
Effective Bioremediation of Endocrine-Disrupting Phthalate Esters, Mediated by Bacillus Strains
MA Surhio, FN Talpur, SM Nizamani, MK Talpur, F Amin, AA Khaskheli, ...
Water, air, & soil pollution 228, 1-8, 2017
Evaluation of microbial fuel cell (MFC) for bioelectricity generation and pollutants removal from sugar beet sugar processing wastewater (SBPW)
A Rahman, M Borhan, S Rahman
Water Science and Technology 77 (2), 387-397, 2018
Antioxidant, analgesic, cytotoxic and antidiarrheal activities of ethanolic Zizyphus mauritiana bark extract
S Rahman
Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine 12, 67-73, 2012
Water absorption capacity of flax and pine horse beddings and gaseous concentrations in bedded stalls
MS Borhan, S Rahman, C Hammer
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 34 (5), 611-618, 2014
Slurry distribution in soil as influenced by slurry application micro-rate and injection tool type
S Rahman, Y Chen, K Buckley, W Akinremi
Biosystems Engineering 89 (4), 495-504, 2004
Typical odor mitigation technologies for swine production facilities: A review
S Rahman, MS Borhan
J. Civ. Environ. Eng 2, 117, 2012
Genetic analysis of fibre traits in cotton
S Rahman, TA Malik
Int J Agric Biol 10, 209-212, 2008
Nanoparticles in mitigating gaseous emissions from liquid dairy manure stored under anaerobic condition
NC Sarker, S Rahman, MS Borhan, P Rajasekaran, S Santra, A Ozcan
Journal of Environmental Sciences 76, 26-36, 2019
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Articles 1–20