Mehmet Altıparmak
Mehmet Altıparmak
Assistant Proffessor
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Comparison of Systemic and Topical Hypericum Perforatum on Diabetic Surgical Wounds
M Altıparmak, T Eskitaşçıoğlu
Journal of Investigative Surgery 31 (1), 29-37, 2018
Fractures of the mandible: a 20-year retrospective analysis of 753 patients
T Eskitaşcıoğlu, İ Öyazgan, A Çoruh, GK Günay, Y Yontar, M Altıpamak
Experience of 80 cases with Fournier’s gangrene and “trauma” as a trigger factor in the etiopathogenesis
T Eskitaşcıoğlu, İ Özyazgan, A Çoruh, GK Günay, M Altıparmak, Y Yontar, ...
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 20 (4), 265-274, 2014
Superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator flap as a workhorse flap: systematic review and meta-analysis
M Altiparmak, HG Cha, JP Hong, HP Suh
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 36 (08), 600-605, 2020
Skin wound healing properties of Hypericum perforatum, Liquidambar orientalis, and propolis mixtures
M Altıparmak, M Kule, Y Öztürk, SY Çelik, M Öztürk, ME Duru, U Koçer
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 42, 489-494, 2019
The alar rim flap: a novel technique to manage malpositioned lateral crura
CA Kemaloğlu, M Altıparmak
Aesthetic Surgery Journal 35 (8), 920-926, 2015
Reconstruction using free flaps for diabetic heel defects: outcomes and risk factor analysis
HB Kim, M Altiparmak, CJ Pak, HP Suh, JP Hong
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 36 (07), 494-500, 2020
Effect of sildenafil citrate in nicotine-induced ischemia: An experimental study using a rat model
H Baykan, I Ozyazgan, CT Selçuk, M AltıParmak, M Özköse, K Özyurt
Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery 21 (4), 217-220, 2013
A conservative treatment of ingrown toenails: splinting technique with cyanoacrylate
F Doğan, M Altıparmak, T Eskitaşçıoğlu, İ Özyazgan
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 36, 715-718, 2013
Cost-based analysis of operative maxillofacial fracture managements
M Altiparmak, ML Pektas, S Kasap, K Tosun, M Nisanci
Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery 28 (2), 104-110, 2020
A wise surgical approach for reconstruction of postburn axillary contractures and versatility of perforator flaps
M Nişanci, M Altiparmak, İ Şahin, Ş Kasap
Journal of Burn Care & Research 39 (3), 332-338, 2018
Bilateral super thin groin island flap for penile, scrotal, and pubic reconstruction after Fournier’s gangrene
F Doğan, T Eskitaşçıoğlu, M Altıparmak, İ Özyazgan
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 34, 497-499, 2011
Reconstruction of a nasal injury caused by a horse bite: Case Report
T Eskitaşçıoğlu, F Doğan, M Altıparmak
Erciyes tıp dergisi= Erciyes Medical Journal 33 (4), 335, 2011
COVID-19 infection in peritoneal dialysis patients: a comparative outcome study with patients on hemodialysis and patients without kidney disease
R Kazancıoğlu, S Öztürk, K Turgutalp, M Gürsu, M Arıcı, A Oruç, E Ahbap, ...
Aves, 2022
Retrospective Evaluation of Skin Cancer Patients in Muğla
S Kasap, ML Pektaş, Y Dere, M Altıparmak
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 2 (3), 34-7, 2015
Partial matricectomy and foldplasty for the management of ingrown toenails: surgical technique
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 30 (2), 820-824, 2010
Fasciocutaneous and/or myocutaneous flaps versus perforator flaps: systematic review and meta-analysis for reconstruction of ischial pressure sores
M Altıparmak
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 43, 211-218, 2020
Muğla’daki Cilt Kanseri Olgularının Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi
Ş Kasap, ML Pektaş, Y Dere, M Altıparmak
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 2 (3), 34-37, 2015
Scapular Island Flap as a Workhorse Flap for Axillary Defect Reconstruction.
M Altiparmak
Selcuk University Medical Journal 36 (1), 2020
Distal partial gluteus maximus musculocutaneous VY flap: a simplified technique for reconstruction of ischial pressure sores
M Nışancı, M Altıparmak
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 43, 43-48, 2020
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Articles 1–20