Yunus Levent Ekinci
Yunus Levent Ekinci
Bitlis Eren University - Geophysicist
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Interpretation of gravity anomalies to delineate some structural features of Biga and Gelibolu peninsulas, and their surroundings (north-west Turkey)
YL Ekinci, E Yiğitbaş
Geodinamica Acta 27 (4), 300-319, 2015
3D non-linear inversion of magnetic anomalies caused by prismatic bodies using differential evolution algorithm
Ç Balkaya, YL Ekinci, G Göktürkler, S Turan
Journal of Applied Geophysics 136, 372-386, 2017
Model parameter estimations from residual gravity anomalies due to simple-shaped sources using differential evolution algorithm
YL Ekinci, Ç Balkaya, G Göktürkler, S Turan
Journal of Applied Geophysics 129, 133-147, 2016
Geomagnetic and geoelectrical prospection for buried archaeological remains on the Upper City of Amorium, a Byzantine city in midwestern Turkey
YL Ekinci, Ç Balkaya, A Şeren, MA Kaya, CS Lightfoot
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 11 (1), 015012, 2014
A damped least-squares inversion program for the interpretation of Schlumberger sounding curves
YL Ekinci, A Demirci
Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (22), 4070-4078, 2008
A geophysical approach to the igneous rocks in the Biga Peninsula (NW Turkey) based on airborne magnetic anomalies: geological implications
YL Ekinci, E Yiğitbaş
Geodinamica Acta 25 (3-4), 267-285, 2012
On the effectiveness of directional derivative based filters on gravity anomalies for source edge approximation: synthetic simulations and a case study from the Aegean graben …
YL Ekinci, C Ertekin, E Yiğitbaş
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 10 (3), 035005, 2013
Exploration for a cave by magnetic and electrical resistivity surveys: Ayvacık Sinkhole example, Bozdağ, İzmir (western Turkey)
Ç Balkaya, G Göktürkler, Z Erhan, Y Levent Ekinci
Geophysics 77 (3), B135-B146, 2012
Gravity data inversion for the basement relief delineation through global optimization: a case study from the Aegean Graben System, western Anatolia, Turkey
YL Ekinci, Ç Balkaya, G Göktürkler, Ş Özyalın
Geophysical Journal International 224 (2), 923-944, 2021
The effect of site-specific design spectrum on earthquake-building parameters: a case study from the Marmara Region (NW Turkey)
E Işık, A Büyüksaraç, YL Ekinci, MC Aydın, E Harirchian
Applied Sciences 10 (20), 7247, 2020
Amplitude inversion of the 2D analytic signal of magnetic anomalies through the differential evolution algorithm
YL Ekinci, Ş Özyalın, P Sındırgı, Ç Balkaya, G Göktürkler
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 14 (6), 1492-1508, 2017
Parameter estimations from gravity and magnetic anomalies due to deep-seated faults: differential evolution versus particle swarm optimization
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 28 (6), 860-881, 2019
Global optimization of near-surface potential field anomalies through metaheuristics
YL Ekinci, Ç Balkaya, G Göktürkler
Advances in modeling and interpretation in near surface geophysics, 155-188, 2020
Characterization of a landslide using seismic refraction, electrical resistivity and hydrometer methods, Adatepe—Çanakkale, NW Turkey
T Bekler, YL Ekinci, A Demirci, AE Erginal, C Ertekin
Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics 16 (3), 115-126, 2011
3D resistivity imaging of buried tombs at the Parion necropolis (NW Turkey)
YL Ekinci, MA Kaya
Journal of the Balkan geophysical society 10 (2), 1-8, 2007
MATLAB-based algorithm to estimate depths of isolated thin dike-like sources using higher-order horizontal derivatives of magnetic anomalies
YL Ekinci
SpringerPlus 5, 1-15, 2016
First record of beachrock on Black Sea coast of Turkey: implications for Late Holocene sea-level fluctuations
AE Erginal, YL Ekinci, A Demirci, M Bozcu, MZ Ozturk, M Avcioglu, ...
Sedimentary Geology 294, 294-302, 2013
Investigation of the nature of slip surface using geochemical analyses and 2-D electrical resistivity tomography: a case study from Lapseki area, NW Turkey
AE Erginal, B Öztürk, YL Ekinci, A Demirci
Environmental geology 58, 1167-1175, 2009
Bitlis ilinin doğal afet çeşitliliğinin değerlendirilmesi
R Ekinci, A Büyüksaraç, YL Ekinci, E Işık
Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, 2020
Geophysical investigations at agadere cemetery, Gallipoli Peninsular, NW Turkey
A Büyüksaraç, CÇ Yalçıner, YL Ekinci, A Demirci, MA Yücel
Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 46 (1), 111-123, 2014
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Articles 1–20