Asli Aktan-Erciyes
Cited by
Cited by
COVID-19 first lockdown as a window into language acquisition: Associations between caregiver-child activities and vocabulary gains
N Kartushina, N Mani, A Aktan-Erciyes, K Alaslani, NJ Aldrich, ...
Language Development Research 2 (1), 2022
Life-span retrieval of public events: Reminiscence bump for high-impact events, recency for others
Aİ Tekcan, A Boduroglu, A Mutlutürk, A Aktan Erciyes
Memory & Cognition 45, 1095-1112, 2017
Retrieval and phenomenology of autobiographical memories in blind individuals
Aİ Tekcan, E Yılmaz, B Kaya Kızılöz, DZ Karadöller, M Mutafoğlu, ...
Memory 23 (3), 329-339, 2015
16. Narrative Discourse: Developmental Perspectives
A Aksu-Koç, A Aktan-Erciyes
Handbook of communication disorders, 329-56, 2018
A multidimensional investigation of pretend play and language competence: Concurrent and longitudinal relations in preschoolers
E Kızıldere, A Aktan-Erciyes, D Tahiroğlu, T Göksun
Cognitive Development 54, 100870, 2020
Parental use of spatial language and gestures in early childhood
YD Kısa, A Aktan‐Erciyes, E Turan, T Göksun
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 37 (2), 149-167, 2019
Subjective age-of-acquisition norms for 600 Turkish words from four age groups
İ Göz, Aİ Tekcan, AA Erciyes
Behavior Research Methods 49, 1736-1746, 2017
Understanding language acquisition: Neural theory of language
A Aktan-Erciyes
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 17 (2), 697-705, 2021
COVID-19 first lockdown as a unique window into language acquisition: What you do (with your child) matters
N Kartushina
Материалы Международного психологического форума «Ребенок в цифровом мире», 5-6, 2022
Relation between creativity, executive functions and bilingualism
P Karataş, A Aktan-Erciyes
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 18, 2022
Children’s thinking-for-speaking: Bidirectional effects of L1 Turkish and L2 English for motion events
A Aktan-Erciyes, T Göksun, Aİ Tekcan, A Aksu-Koç
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 11 (5), 669-699, 2021
Early event understanding predicts later verb comprehension and motion event lexicalization.
A Aktan-Erciyes, T Göksun
Developmental psychology 55 (11), 2249, 2019
İkinci dil ediniminin okul öncesi ve okul çağı çocuklarında anlatı becerilerinin kurgusal ve dilbilgisel süreçlerine olan etkisi
A Aktan-Erciyes
Psikoloji Çalışmaları 39 (2), 369-399, 2019
Effects of second language on motion event lexicalization: Comparison of bilingual and monolingual children’s frog story narratives
A Aktan-Erciyes
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 16 (3), 1127-1145, 2020
Event perception and language learning
T Göksun, A Aktan-Erciyes, K Hirsh-Pasek, RM Golinkoff
Social environment and cognition in language development: Studies in honor …, 2017
Multimodal language in bilingual and monolingual children: Gesture production and speech disfluency. , 1-13.
B Arslan, A Aktan-Erciyes, T Göksun
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-13, 2023
Longitudinal effects of second language on first language narrative skills and executive functions of preschool children
AA Erciyes
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 16 (1), 42-58, 2020
Early parental causal language input predicts children’s later causal verb understanding
A Aktan-Erciyes, T Göksun
Journal of Child Language 50 (1), 177-197, 2023
Parental input during book reading and toddlers' elicited and spontaneous communicative interactions
B Ünlütabak, A Aktan-Erciyes, D Yılmaz, S Kandemir, T Göksun
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 81, 101436, 2022
Motor skills, language development, and visual processing in preterm and full-term infants
M Kobaş, E Kızıldere, I Doğan, A Aktan-Erciyes, ÖE Demir-Lira, İ Akman, ...
Current Psychology, 1-13, 2022
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Articles 1–20