Muhammet Bastan
Cited by
Cited by
Visual words on baggage x-ray images
M Baştan, MR Yousefi, TM Breuel
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 360-368, 2011
BilVideo-7: An MPEG-7 compatible video indexing and retrieval system
M Bastan, H Cam, U Gudukbay, O Ulusoy
IEEE MultiMedia 17 (3), 2010
Object recognition in multi-view dual energy x-ray images.
M Bastan, W Byeon, TM Breuel
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 1 (2), 11, 2013
Multi-view object detection in dual-energy x-ray images
M Baştan
Machine Vision and Applications 26 (7-8), 1045-1060, 2015
Automatic detection of salient objects and spatial relations in videos for a video database system
T Sevilmiş, M Baştan, U Güdükbay, Ö Ulusoy
Image and Vision Computing 26 (10), 1384-1396, 2008
Video copy detection using multiple visual cues and MPEG-7 descriptors
O Küçüktunç, M Baştan, U Güdükbay, Ö Ulusoy
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 21 (8), 838-849, 2010
Hierarchical Proxy-based Loss for Deep Metric Learning
Z Yang, M Bastan, X Zhu, D Gray, D Samaras
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2021
Active Canny: Edge detection and recovery with open active contour models
M Baştan, SS Bukhari, T Breuel
IET Image Processing 11 (12), 1325-1332, 2017
Keyframe labeling technique for surveillance event classification
E Saykol, M Bastan, U Güdükbay, Ö Ulusoy
Optical Engineering 49 (11), 117203, 2010
Large scale open-set deep logo detection
M Bastan, HY Wu, T Cao, B Kota, M Tek
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.07440, 2019
T-VSE: Transformer-Based Visual Semantic Embedding
M Bastan, A Ramisa, M Tek
CVPR 2020 Workshop on Fashion, Art and Design (CVFAD), 2020
Semantic Granularity Metric Learning for Visual Search
D Manandhar, M Bastan, KH Yap
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 72, 102871, 2020
Translating images to words for recognizing objects in large image and video collections
P Duygulu, M Baştan, D Forsyth
Toward Category-Level Object Recognition, 258-276, 2006
Remote Detection of Idling Cars Using Infrared Imaging and Deep Networks
M Bastan, KH Yap, LP Chau
Neural Computing and Applications, 2019
HandVR: A hand-gesture-based interface to a video retrieval system
S Genç, M Baştan, U Güdükbay, V Atalay, Ö Ulusoy
Signal, Image and Video Processing 9 (7), 1717-1726, 2015
Tiered Deep Similarity Search for Fashion
D Manandhar, M Bastan, KH Yap
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, 2018
Segmentation-based extraction of important objects from video for object-based indexing
M Bastan, U Gudukbay, O Ulusoy
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1357-1360, 2008
NTU ROSE Lab at TRECVID 2018: Ad-hoc Video Search and Video to Text
M Bastan, X Shi, J Gu, Z Heng, C Zhuo, D Sng, A Kot
TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers, 2018
Mobile multi-view object image search
F Çalışır, M Baştan, Ö Ulusoy, U Güdükbay
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 12433-12456, 2017
Multimedia translation for linking visual data to semantics in videos
P Duygulu, M Baştan
Machine Vision and Applications 22, 99-115, 2011
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Articles 1–20