Hatice Kaya
Hatice Kaya
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Nutrition practice to alleviate the adverse effects of stress on laying performance, metabolic profile and egg quality in peak producing hens: II. The probiotic supplementation
Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences 18 (12), 2005
Yumurtanın besin değeri, kolesterol içeriği ve yumurtayı n-3 yağ asitleri bakımından zenginleştirmeye yönelik çalışmalar
Ş Çelebi, H Karaca
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 37 (2), 257-265, 2006
Effects of dietary inclusion of plant extract mixture and copper into layer diets on egg yield and quality, yolk cholesterol and fatty acid composition
A Kaya, H Kaya, M Macit, S Celebi, N Esenbuga, Y MA, M Karaoglu
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19 (4), 2013
Effect of inclusion of garlic (Allium sativum) powder at different levels and copper into diets of hens on performance, egg quality traits and yolk cholesterol content.
H Kaya, M Macit
The effects of diets supplemented with crushed and extracted grape seed on performance, egg quality parameters, yolk peroxidation and serum traits in laying hens
A Kaya, B Yıldırım, H Kaya, M Gül, Ş Çelebi
European Poultry Science 78, 2014
Effects of supplementation of different levels of organic acids mixture to the diet on performance, egg quality parameters, serum traits and histological criteria of laying hens
H Kaya, A Kaya, M Gül, Ş Çelebi, S Timurkaan, B Apaydin
European Poultry Science 78, 2014
Effect of different levels of organic acids in the diets of hens on laying performance, egg quality criteria, blood parameters, and intestinal histomorphology
A Kaya, H Kaya, M Gül, A Yıldırım, B Tımurkaan
Indian Journal of Animal Research 49 (5), 2015
Omega-3 yağ asitlerinin insan sağlığı üzerine etkileri
Ş Çelebi, H Kaya, A Kaya
Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 32 (2), 105-112, 2017
Effects of dietary supplementation of essential oils and vitamin E on performance, egg quality and Escherichia coli count in excreta
H Kaya, A Kaya, S Celebi, M Macit
Indian Journal of Animal Research 47 (6), 515-520, 2013
The effect of zeolite and organic acid mixture supplementation in the layer diet on performance, egg quality traits and some blood parameters.
H Kaya, A Kaya, M Gul, S Celebi
Effects of dietary humate supplementation on performance, egg quality and egg yolk fatty acid composition in layers
M Macit, S Celebi, N Esenbuga, H Karaca
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89 (2), 315-319, 2009
Effect of bee pollen supplemented diet on performance, egg quality traits and some serum parameters of laying hens
Z Demir, H Kaya
Pak J Zool 52 (2), 549-55, 2020
Ruminant hayvanlarda metan üretimini azaltmaya yönelik çalışmalar/Studies to reduce the production of methane from ruminant
A Kaya, H Kaya, Ş Çelebi
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 43 (2), 197-204, 2012
The effects of raw and physical processed common vetch seed (Vicia sativa) on laying performance, egg quality, metabolic parameters and liver histopatology of laying hens
H Kaya, Ş Çelebi, M Macit, F Geyikoğlu
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 24 (10), 1425-1434, 2011
Effect of cage density on performance and egg quality traits of layers
S Şahin, M Macit, N Esenbuğa, H Karaca
Journal of applied animal research 31 (1), 37-39, 2007
The effect of rosehip seed supplementation into laying hens diets on performance, egg quality traits, yolk lipid profile and serum parameters
H Kaya, A Kaya, N Esenbuğa, M Macit
Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 34 (1), 84-87, 2019
The effect of clove oil supplementation in laying hen diets on performance, egg quality, some blood parameters, and Yolk TBARS
M Şehitoğlu, H Kaya
Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 9 (12), 2213-2218, 2021
The effects of black tea factory waste supplementation into laying hen diets on performance, egg quality, yolk peroxidation, and blood parameters
H Kaya, M Gül, Ş Çelebi, A Kaya, B Apaydın Yıldırım, M Macit
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 20, 2014
Geç dönemde organik asit ilavesinin yumurtlama performansı, yumurta kalite özellikleri ve bağırsak pH’sı üzerine etkisi
A Kaya, H Kaya, M Gül, Ş Çelebi
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 45 (1), 37-41, 2014
Kanatlı et kalitesi üzerine beslemenin etkisi
F Yücesoy, H Kaya
Palandöken Journal of Animal Sciences Technology and Economics 1 (1), 42-53, 2022
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