Osman Bican
Osman Bican
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Effects of silicon content on the microstructural features and mechanical and sliding wear properties of Zn–40Al–2Cu–(0–5) Si alloys
T Savaşkan, O Bican
Materials Science and Engineering: A 404 (1-2), 259-269, 2005
Developing aluminium–zinc-based a new alloy for tribological applications
T Savaşkan, O Bican, Y Alemdağ
Journal of materials science 44, 1969-1976, 2009
Dry sliding friction and wear properties of Al–25Zn–3Cu–(0–5) Si alloys in the as-cast and heat-treated conditions
T Savaşkan, O Bican
Tribology letters 40, 327-336, 2010
Dry sliding friction and wear properties of Al–25Zn–3Cu–3Si alloy
T Savaşkan, O Bican
Tribology International 43 (8), 1346-1352, 2010
Effect of T7 heat treatment on the dry sliding friction and wear properties of the SiC-reinforced AA 2014 aluminium matrix composites produced by vacuum infiltration
S Aksöz, O Bican, R Çalın, B Bostan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2014
Influence of test conditions on the lubricated friction and wear behaviour of Al–25Zn–3Cu alloy
O Bican, T Savaşkan
Tribology letters 37, 175-182, 2010
Effects of the boriding process and of quenching and tempering after boriding on the microstructure, hardness and wear of AISI 5140 steel
O Bican, SU Bayca, S Ocak-Araz, B Yamanel, NA Tanis
Surface Review and Letters 27 (06), 1950157, 2020
A comparative study of lubricated friction and wear behaviour of Al–25Zn–3Cu–3Si bearing alloy
O Bican, T Savaşkan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2014
Influence of T5 heat treatment on the microstructure and lubricated wear behavior of ternary ZnAl40Cu2 and quaternary ZnAl40Cu2Si2. 5 alloys
O Bican, T Savaşkan
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 51 (3), 383-390, 2020
Effect of powder-pack boronizing on the microhardness, wear, and corrosion behaviors of AISI 304L steel
S Ocak-Araz, A Birden, SU Bayca, O Bican
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 33 (1), 166-172, 2024
The effect of solid boriding time on the structure, hardness and corrosion properties of AISI 5140 steel
SU Bayça, O Bican, B Yamanel, AP Hekimoğlu, M Çalış
Protection of metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 56, 591-597, 2020
Development of optical, microstructural and mechanical properties of porcelain stonewares
T Aydin, O Bican, R Gümrük, H Kuleyin
Science of Sintering 53 (1), 79-90, 2021
Investigation of wear resistance of the porcelain tile bodies by solid particle impingement using alumina particles
T Aydin, O Bican, R Gümrük
Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 56 (2), 525-531, 2020
Effect of boronizing on operating stability of steel AISI 304L under erosion impact of hard particles
O Bican, SU Bayça, H Kuleyin, R Gümrük
Metal Science and Heat Treatment 63 (3), 156-162, 2021
Investigation of structural and tribological properties of layers formed in SAE 5140 steel coated with boride powders
B Yamanel
Materials Express 8 (5), 427-434, 2018
Effect of matrix temperature and powder size on the infiltration height of SiO2-reinforced Al 7075 matrix composites produced by vacuum infiltration
R Çalın, M Pul, O Bican, G Küçüktürk
Science and Engineering of Composite Materials 24 (1), 149-153, 2017
Increasing corrosion resistance of AISI 1010 steel by boride coatings
SU Bayça, O Bican
Materials and Corrosion 73 (12), 2032-2040, 2022
An investigation on the microstructure and wear properties of TiB2 reinforced AA2014 aluminium alloy produced by vacuum infiltration
ŞO Araz, R Çalın, M Pul, O Bican, O Okur
High Temperature Materials and Processes 34 (5), 487-493, 2015
Microstructural, mechanical and dry sliding wear properties of the MgO reinforced aluminium matrix composites produced by vacuum infiltration
O Bican
Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials 52, 77-83, 2014
Silisyum oranının monotektoid esaslı Zn-Al-Cu-Si alaşımlarının mekanik ve tribolojik özelliklerine etkisinin incelenmesi
O Bican
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Articles 1–20