Selcuk Paker
Cited by
Cited by
FDTD based RCS calculations and antenna simulations
L Sevgi, S Paker
AEU. Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik 52 (2), 65-75, 1998
Deterministic maximum likelihood approach for 3-D near field source localization
N Kabaoğlu, HA Çırpan, E Çekli, S Paker
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 57 (5), 345-350, 2003
FDTD evaluation of the SAR distribution in a human head near a mobile cellular phone
S Paker, L Sevgi
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 6 (3), 227-242, 1998
Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of carbon fabric/epoxy composite with continuous graphene oxide fiber and multiwalled carbon nanotube
N Ucar, BK Kayaoğlu, A Bilge, G Gurel, P Sencandan, S Paker
Journal of Composite Materials 52 (24), 3341-3350, 2018
Design of a compact quad-radiating element MIMO antenna for LTE/Wi-Fi application
AA Yussuf, S Paker
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 111, 152893, 2019
Maximum likelihood 3-D near-field source localization using the EM algorithm
N Kabaoglu, HA Çirpan, E Cekli, S Paker
Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications …, 2003
UHF-RFID enabled wearable flexible printed sensor with antenna performance
M Tekcin, S Paker, SK Bahadir
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 157, 154410, 2022
Triple-band frequency selective surface design effective over oblique incidence angles for GSM system
J Jangi Golezani, M Kartal, B Döken, S Paker
IETE Journal of Research 68 (2), 1406-1410, 2022
Ku-band slotted rectangular patch array antenna design
L Kouhalvandi, S Paker, HB Yagci
2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2015
Turbo coded signals over wireless local loop environment
ON Uçan, O Osman, S Paker
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 56 (3), 163-168, 2002
Design of wideband MIMO antenna for wireless applications
AA Yussuf, S Paker
2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2017
Unconditional maximum likelihood approach for localization of near-field sources in 3D space
N Kabaoglu, HA Cirpan, S Paker
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing …, 2004
Image reconstruction with diffraction tomography using different inverse Radon transform algorithms
B Yazgan, S Paker, M Kartal
Proceedings of the 1992 International Biomedical Engineering Days, 170-173, 1992
Extracting tomographic images of interior structures of cylindrical objects and trees using Ground Penetrating Radar method
O Apaydın, T İşseven, Y Çıtır, S Paker, I Erer, NG Aydın
Results in Engineering 14, 100410, 2022
Characterization, production and microwave absorbing properties of polyaniline-NiFe2O4: Tb composites
Eİ ŞAHIN, S Paker, M Kartal
Materials Science 25 (3), 322-327, 2019
Design and realization of a novel planar array antenna and low power LNA for Ku-band small satellite communications
L Kouhalvandi, O Ceylan, S Paker, HB YAĞCI
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 25 (2), 1394 …, 2017
Inserting moving targets to polarimetric SAR image by self deception jamming
NS Tezel, S Paker
7th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 1-3, 2008
The effects of frequency, polarization, direction and metallic objects on the SAR values in a human head model for plane wave exposure (500-2500 MHZ)
T Yelkenci, S Paker
Frequenz 60 (11-12), 215-219, 2006
Tunable Class-F high power amplifier at X-Band using GaN HEMT
O Ceylan, HB YAĞCI, S Paker
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 26 (5), 2327 …, 2018
2.4 GHz’de yüksek kazançlı mikroşerit yama anten tasarım ve gerçekleştirimi
A Yıldırım, HB Yağcı, S Paker
Web Sitesi: http://www. emo. org. tr/ekler/f9f313a22b388dc_ek. pdf Erişim …, 2008
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Articles 1–20