Süha Tuna
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Cited by
Weighted singular value decomposition for folded matrices
S Tuna, NA Baykara, Mİ Demİralp, N Mastorakis
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Informatics and …, 2011
A novel piecewise multivariate function approximation method via universal matrix representation
S Tuna, B Tunga
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 51, 1784-1801, 2013
Fluctuation free matrix representation based univariate integration in hybrid high dimensional model representation (HHDMR) over plain and factorized HDMR
S Tuna, B Tunga, NA Baykara, M Demiralp
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 8 (5), 225-230, 2009
Iterative enhanced multivariance products representation for effective compression of hyperspectral images
S Tuna, BU Töreyin, M Demiralp, J Ren, H Zhao, S Marshall
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (11), 9569-9584, 2020
Bivariate enhanced multivariance products representation (EMPR) at zero volume limit via geometric separation
S Tuna, M Demiralp
AIP Conference Proceedings 1702 (1), 2015
Low-cost VIS/NIR range hand-held and portable photospectrometer and evaluation of machine learning algorithms for classification performance
S Heydarov, M Aydin, C Faydaci, S Tuna, S Ozturk
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 37, 101302, 2023
An efficient feature extraction approach for hyperspectral images using Wavelet High Dimensional Model Representation
S Tuna, E Korkmaz Özay, B Tunga, E Gürvit, MA Tunga
International Journal of Remote Sensing 43 (19-24), 6899-6920, 2022
Taylor series based integration with the fluctuation freely approximated remainder over gausswave type basis functions
S Tuna, NA Baykara, M Demiralp
AIP Conference Proceedings 1504 (1), 800-803, 2012
Certain Validations of Probabilistic Evolution Approach for Initial Value Problems
S Tuna, M Demiralp
Advances in Systems Theory, Signal Processing and Computational Science …, 2012
Zero interval limit perturbation expansion for the spectral entities of Hilbert–Schmidt operators combined with most dominant spectral component extraction: formulation and …
M Demiralp, S Tuna
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 2017
Lossy compression of hyperspectral images by using enhanced multivariance products representation (EMPR) method
A Sukhanov, S Tuna, BU Töreyin
2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU …, 2016
Node optimization through enhanced multivariance product representation (empr)
S Tuna, B Tunga
13th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in …, 2013
Piecewise enhanced multivariance products representation using Chebyshev nodes
S Tuna
Mathematical Methods and Optimization Techniques in Engineering, 46-51, 2013
Exploiting Optimal Supports in Enhanced Multivariance Products Representation for Lossy Compression of Hyperspectral Images
ME Şen, S Tuna
2023 14th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2023
Zero interval limit perturbation expansion for the spectral entities of Hilbert-Schmidt operators combined with most dominant spectral component extraction: convergence and …
S Tuna, M Demiralp
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 55, 1278-1300, 2017
Probabilistic evolution approach for initial value problems over Fourier basis set
S Tuna, M Demiralp
AIP Conference Proceedings 1493 (1), 1054-1058, 2012
Effects of the Weight Function Choices on Single-Node Fluctuation Free Integration
S Tuna, M Demiralp
Melez Yüksek Boyutlu Model Gösterilim Yönteminde Çok Değişkenli Integrallerin Sendelenimsizlik Yaklaştırımı Ile Hesaplanması
S Tuna
PQDT-Global, 2010
Enhancing Travel Experience: Predicting Flight Delays for Informed Journey Planning
E Ergün, S Tuna
International Journal of Applied Methods in Electronics and Computers 12 (2 …, 2024
Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Dimethyl Methyl Phosphonate with Copolymer‐Based QCM Sensors
S Öztürk, A Kösemen, Z Şen, S Tuna, SS Bayazit, N Kılınç
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 309 (5), 2300346, 2024
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Articles 1–20