Erdi Gülbahçe
Erdi Gülbahçe
Other namesErdi Gulbahce
Assistant Professor, KTO Karatay University
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Cited by
Active vibration control of a smart beam by a tuner-based PID controller
E Gülbahçe, M Celik
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 37 (4), 1125-1133, 2018
Modelling and control of a single-wheel inverted pendulum by using Adams and Matlab
S İlgen, E Oflaz, E Gülbahçe, A Çakan
International Journal of Applied Mathematics Electronics and Computers, 326-328, 2016
Experimental modal analysis for the plate structures with roving inertial shaker method approach
E Gülbahçe, M Çelik
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 41 (1), 27-40, 2022
Optimal tuning of the smc parameters for a two two-link manipulator co-simulation control
S Ilgen, A Durdu, E Gülbahçe, A Cakan
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 2021
The bees algorithm approach to determining smc controller parameters for the position control of a scara robot manipulator
S İlgen, A Durdu, E Gülbahçe, A Çakan, M Kalyoncu
Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 267-273, 2022
Sliding Mode Control of a Two-link Robot Manipulator Using Adams & Matlab Software
S İlgen, A Çakan, A Durdu, E Gülbahçe
Topology Design and Modal Analysis of a Bracket via FEA
E Gülbahçe, HÇ Sezgen, A Çakan
Applied Engineering Letters 4 (3), 102-105, 2019
İki Linkli Robot Manipülatörün Modellenmesi ve Bozucu Etki Altında Yörünge Kontrolü [Title not available in English]
S İlgen, A Durdu, E Gülbahçe, A Çakan
2020 4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative …, 2020
Vibration Behavior of Composite Materials Produced by Waste Metal Recycling
A Güneş, E Gülbahçe, E Salur, A Aslan, Ö sinan Şahin
International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and …, 2019
Aktif Titreşim Kontrolü için Bir Yapının Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi ile Modelinin Elde Edilmesi ve PID, PPF Kontrolcü Tasarımları
E Gülbahçe, M Çelik
Frequency-Based Adaptive PPF Controller for Vibration Reduction of a Helicopter Shell Body
E Gülbahçe, M Çelik
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 36 (3), 04023003, 2023
Helikopter gövdesi kabuk yapılarının deneysel analiz yöntemleriyle aktif titreşim kontrolü
E Gülbahçe
Konya Teknik Üniversitesi, 2021
Helikopter kabin gürültüsünün piezoelektrik eyleyicilerle aktif titreşim kontrolü analizleri
E Gülbahçe
Master thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen …, 2015
Performance Evaluation of a SCARA Robot Manipulator for Trajectory Tracking Based on Error Criteria Minimization
D Deliktaş, R Aktaş, S İlgen, E Gülbahçe
2023 7th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Smart …, 2023
Position optimization of Stockbridge dampers under varying operating conditions: A comprehensive finite element and experimental analysis
E Gulbahce, SK Gupta, O Barry
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 225, 112271, 2025
Farklı Genliğe Sahip Şerit Elemanların Isı Transferine Etkilerinin Yapay Sinir Ağı Tabanlı Bulanık Mantık Modelleme Yaklaşımı ile İncelenmesi
AH Altun, M Tınkır, M Gürdal, A Berber, HÇ Sezgen, E Gülbahçe
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 6 (3 …, 2024
Free Vibration Modeling of Power Line Conductors
R Yoon, E Gulbahce, O Barry
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (3), 409-414, 2023
Investigation of the effect of modal analysis correlation on actuator/sensor positions for plate structures
E Gülbahçe, M Çelik
Vibroengineering Procedia 43, 39-45, 2022
Fuzzy logic aided PPF controller design to active vibration control of a flexible beam
E Gülbahçe, M Çelik
Journal of Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics 4 (3), 184-195, 2021
Investigation of Piezoelectric Patches Placement According to the Strain Intensity
E Gülbahçe, M Çelik
Applied Engineering Letters : Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 5 …, 2020
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Articles 1–20