Seda Kundak
Seda Kundak
Prof. of Urban and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University
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Success conditions for urban networks: Eurocities and sister cities
T Baycan-Levent, AA Gülümser Akgün, S Kundak
European planning studies 18 (8), 1187-1206, 2010
Motivation and driving forces of Turkish entrepreneurs in Switzerland
T Baycan-Levent, S Kundak
Innovation–The European Journal of Social Science Research 22 (3), 283-308, 2009
İstanbul'da deprem riski analizi
S Kundak, H Türkoğlu
İTÜDERGİSİ/a 6 (2), 2010
The crazy project–canal Istanbul
S Kundak, MB Baypınar
TeMA-Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment 4 (3), 2011
City-to-city linkages in a mobile society: The role of urban networks in Eurocities and Sister Cities
T Baycan-Levent, S Kundak, AA Gulumser
International Journal of Services Technology and Management 10 (1), 83-109, 2008
Diversity and ethnic entrepreneurship: Dialogue through exchanges in the economic arena
T Baycan-Levent, AA Gülümser, S Kundak, P Nijkamp, M Sahin
Sustainable Development in a Diverse World (SUS. DIV) Position paper of …, 2003
Quality of residential environment in a city facing unsustainable growth problems: Istanbul
F Bolen, H Türkoğlu, N Ergun, F Yirmibeşoğlu, F Terzi, S Kaya, S Kundak
Joint Congress of the European Regional Science Association and the …, 2007
Changing urban pattern of Istanbul; From monocentric to polycentric structure
H Ciraci, S Kundak
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2000
İstanbul’da konut alanlarında fiziksel çevre kalitesi analizi
F Bölen, HD Türkoğlu, N Ergun, F Yirmibeşoğlu, S Kundak, F Terzi, ...
İMP Konut ve Yaşam Kalitesi Grubu Raporu, 2006
Economic loss estimation for earthquake hazard in Istanbul
S Kundak
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2004
Cascading and unprecedented effects of disasters in urban system
S Kundak
Intelligent systems and decision making for risk analysis and crisis …, 2013
Risk perception in Istanbul: An earthquake-prone city
S Kundak, H Türkoğlu, A İlki
A| Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 11 (1), 117-137, 2014
İsviçre’nin Girişimci Türkleri
T Baycan Levent, S Kundak
Uluslararası Girişimcilik Kongresi, Manas Üniversitesi Bildiri Kitabı …, 2006
A rank-size rule analysis of the city system at the country and province level in Turkey
S Kundak, V Dökmeci
ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning 6 (1), 77-98, 2018
Dirençliliğin Temeli
S Kundak
Resilience 1 (1), 55-69, 2017
Şehir planlamada analiz ve değerlendirme teknikleri
E Alkay, AA Akgün, E Kerimoğlu, TK Koramaz, S Kundak, G Okumuş, ...
Literatür yayıncılık, 2014
Şehirler, afetler ve insanlar
S Kundak
Toprak İşveren Dergisi, 6-11, 2011
Diversity and ethnic entrepreneurship
T Baycan-Levent, AA Gülümser, S Kundak, P Nijkamp, M Sahin
Position Paper of Research Task 4, 2006
Growth, Distribution and Rank Stability of Urban Settlements in Turkey
S Kundak, V Dökmeci
6th World Congress of the RSAI, Lugano, May, 16-20, 2000
Enhance household resilience in Istanbul
S Kundak
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 8 (1 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20