William Bosking
William Bosking
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Cited by
Orientation selectivity and the arrangement of horizontal connections in tree shrew striate cortex
WH Bosking, Y Zhang, B Schofield, D Fitzpatrick
Journal of neuroscience 17 (6), 2112-2127, 1997
A systematic map of direction preference in primary visual cortex
M Weliky, WH Bosking, D Fitzpatrick
Nature 379 (6567), 725-728, 1996
Dynamic stimulation of visual cortex produces form vision in sighted and blind humans
MS Beauchamp, D Oswalt, P Sun, BL Foster, JF Magnotti, S Niketeghad, ...
Cell 181 (4), 774-783. e5, 2020
Receptive fields in human visual cortex mapped with surface electrodes
D Yoshor, WH Bosking, GM Ghose, JHR Maunsell
Cerebral cortex 17 (10), 2293-2302, 2007
Spatial coding of position and orientation in primary visual cortex
WH Bosking, JC Crowley, D Fitzpatrick
Nature neuroscience 5 (9), 874-882, 2002
Electrical stimulation of visual cortex: relevance for the development of visual cortical prosthetics
WH Bosking, MS Beauchamp, D Yoshor
Annual review of vision science 3 (1), 141-166, 2017
A morphological basis for orientation tuning in primary visual cortex
F Mooser, WH Bosking, D Fitzpatrick
Nature neuroscience 7 (8), 872-879, 2004
Functional organization of visual cortex in the owl monkey
X Xu, W Bosking, G Sáry, J Stefansic, D Shima, V Casagrande
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (28), 6237-6247, 2004
Functionally distinct gamma range activity revealed by stimulus tuning in human visual cortex
E Bartoli, W Bosking, Y Chen, Y Li, SA Sheth, MS Beauchamp, D Yoshor, ...
Current Biology 29 (20), 3345-3358. e7, 2019
Maps of central visual space in ferret V1 and V2 lack matching inputs from the two eyes
LE White, WH Bosking, SM Williams, D Fitzpatrick
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (16), 7089-7099, 1999
Spatial attention does not strongly modulate neuronal responses in early human visual cortex
D Yoshor, GM Ghose, WH Bosking, P Sun, JHR Maunsell
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (48), 13205-13209, 2007
Functional specificity of callosal connections in tree shrew striate cortex
WH Bosking, R Kretz, ML Pucak, D Fitzpatrick
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (6), 2346-2359, 2000
Saturation in phosphene size with increasing current levels delivered to human visual cortex
WH Bosking, P Sun, M Ozker, X Pei, BL Foster, MS Beauchamp, D Yoshor
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (30), 7188-7197, 2017
Functional organization of visual cortex in the prosimian bush baby revealed by optical imaging of intrinsic signals
X Xu, WH Bosking, LE White, D Fitzpatrick, VA Casagrande
Journal of neurophysiology 94 (4), 2748-2762, 2005
Effects of stimulus direction on the correlation between behavior and single units in area MT during a motion detection task
WH Bosking, JHR Maunsell
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (22), 8230-8238, 2011
Optogenetic assessment of horizontal interactions in primary visual cortex
X Huang, YM Elyada, WH Bosking, T Walker, D Fitzpatrick
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (14), 4976-4990, 2014
Consistent mapping of orientation preference across irregular functional domains in ferret visual cortex
LE White, WH BOSKING, D Fitzpatrick
Visual neuroscience 18 (1), 65-76, 2001
Multi-electrode stimulation evokes consistent spatial patterns of phosphenes and improves phosphene mapping in blind subjects
D Oswalt, W Bosking, P Sun, SA Sheth, S Niketeghad, MA Salas, U Patel, ...
Brain stimulation 14 (5), 1356-1372, 2021
Statistical structure of lateral connections in the primary visual cortex
JJ Hunt, WH Bosking, GJ Goodhill
Neural systems & circuits 1, 1-12, 2011
Seeing visual gamma oscillations in a new light
E Bartoli, W Bosking, BL Foster
Trends in cognitive sciences 24 (7), 501-503, 2020
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Articles 1–20