Ali Kalkanli
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Cited by
Synthesis and characterization of aluminum alloy 7075 reinforced with silicon carbide particulates
A Kalkanlı, S Yılmaz
Materials & Design 29 (4), 775-780, 2008
Processing and microstructural characterization of liquid phase sintered tungsten–nickel–cobalt heavy alloys
O Dinçer, MK Pehlivanoğlu, NK Çalişkan, İ Karakaya, A Kalkanli
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 50, 106-112, 2015
Effect of solidification rate on spatial distribution of SiC particles in A356 alloy composites
A Cetin, A Kalkanli
Journal of materials processing technology 205 (1-3), 1-8, 2008
Microstructure characteristics in Al-C system after mechanical alloying and high temperature treatment
B Bostan, AT Özdemir, A Kalkanli
Powder metallurgy 47 (1), 37-42, 2004
Structure development in rapidly solidified Al–Fe–V–Si ribbons
S Yaneva, A Kalkanlı, K Petrov, R Petrov, IY Houbaert, S Kassabov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 373 (1-2), 90-98, 2004
Dry sliding wear behaviour of Al–Fe–Si–V alloys at elevated temperatures
E Koraman, M Baydoğan, S Sayılgan, A Kalkanlı
Wear 322, 101-107, 2015
Microstructural characterization of squeeze-cast Al–8Fe–1.4 V–8Si
M Arhami, F Sarioglu, A Kalkanli, M Hashemipour
Materials Science and Engineering: A 485 (1-2), 218-223, 2008
Numerical simulation of solidification kinetics in A356/SiCp composites for assessment of as-cast particle distribution
A Cetin, A Kalkanli
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (10), 4795-4801, 2009
Production of in situ aluminum–titanium diboride master alloy formed by slag–metal reaction
A Changizi, A Kalkanli, N Sevinc
Journal of alloys and compounds 509 (2), 237-240, 2011
Melt infiltration casting of alumina silicon carbide and boron carbide reinforced aluminum matrix composites
A Kalkanlı, T Durmaz, A Kalemtaş, G Arslan
Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering 6 (4), 357, 2017
Effect of isothermal transformation treatment and tempering on the microstructure and hardness of a medium C and high Si steels
G Kafadar, A Kalkanli, AT Özdemir, B Ögel
ISIJ International 61 (5), 1679-1687, 2021
Evaluation of latent heat of solidification of grey cast iron from cooling curves
A Çetin, A Kalkanli
Canadian metallurgical quarterly 44 (1), 1-5, 2005
Investigation of atmospheric corrosion layers on historic iron nails by micro‐Raman spectroscopy
N Yucel, A Kalkanli, EN Caner‐Saltik
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 47 (12), 1486-1493, 2016
The effect of B4C reinforcements on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and wear behavior of AA7075 alloy matrix produced by squeeze casting
ME Demir, YH Çelik, E Kilickap, A Kalkanli
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …, 2023
Investigation of wear behavior of aged and non-aged SiC-reinforced AlSi7Mg2 metal matrix composites in dry sliding conditions
YH Çelik, ME Demir, E Kilickap, A Kalkanli
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42, 1-9, 2020
Multi-scale characterization of particle clustering in discontinuously reinforced composites
A Cetin, A Kalkanli
Materials characterization 60 (6), 568-572, 2009
Investigation of microporosity formation mechanisms in A356 aluminium alloy castings
A Cetin, A Kalkanli
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties 4 (3), 377-385, 2009
Deposition of boron nitride coatings on steel substrates by rf magnetron sputtering
H Cesur, B Kaftanoglu, A Kalkanli, B Oral
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Coatings, Thessaloniki …, 2008
Effect of cooling rate on microstructure and high temperature stability of rapidly solidified Al–Fe–V–Si alloys
A Kalkanli, S Angi
Powder metallurgy 42 (4), 359-365, 1999
The effect of magnesium to sulfur ratio on the graphite morphology of graphite cast iron produced at differrent section thicknesses
O Elmabrouk, OM Erfan, A Kalkanli
Advanced Materials Research 383, 5880-5885, 2012
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Articles 1–20