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The effects of salt and drought stress on phenolic accumulation in greenhouse-grown Hypericum pruinatum
O Caliskan, J Radusiene, KE Temizel, Z Staunis, C Cirak, D Kurt, ...
Italian Journal of Agronomy 12 (3), 2017
Effect of nitrogen on herb production, secondary metabolites and antioxidant activities of Hypericum pruinatum under nitrogen application
J Radušienė, M Marksa, L Ivanauskas, V Jakštas, Ö Çalişkan, D Kurt, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 139, 111519, 2019
The quantitative effects of temperature and light intensity on hyperforin and hypericins accumulation in Hypericum perforatum L
MS Odabas, J Radusiene, N Camas, V Janulis, L Ivanauskas, C Cirak
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 3 (7), 519-525, 2009
Changes in the contents of main secondary metabolites in two Turkish Hypericum species during plant development
C Cirak, J Radusiene, N Camas, O Caliskan, MS Odabas
Pharmaceutical biology 51 (3), 391-399, 2013
Effect of salt stress and irrigation water on growth and development of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
O Caliskan, D Kurt, KE Temizel, MS Odabas
Open Agriculture 2 (1), 589-594, 2017
Determination of the seed characteristics in some significant snap bean varieties grown in Samsun, Turkey
A Balkaya, MS Odabas
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5 (4), 382-387, 2002
Fasulyede (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yapraktan ve topraktan uygulanan farklı bor dozlarının verim ve verim unsurlarına etkisi
A Gülümser, MS Odabas, Y Özturan
Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 18 (2), 163-168, 2005
Secondary metabolites of Hypericum orientale L. growing in Turkey: variation among populations and plant parts
C Cirak, J Radusiene, Z Stanius, N Camas, O Caliskan, MS Odabas
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 34, 1313-1320, 2012
Response of soybean (Glycine max) to soil and foliar applied boron at different rates
C Cirak, MS Odabas, K Kevseroglu, E Karaca, A Gulumser
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 76 (10), 603, 2006
Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Approach to Estimate Chlorophyll Concentration Index of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
MS Odabas, H Simsek, CW Lee, İ İseri
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 48 (2), 162-169, 2017
The modeling of the relation among the temperature and light intensity of growth in Ocimum basilicum L
O Caliskan, MS Odabas, C Cirak
journal of medicinal plants research 3 (11), 965-977, 2009
Quantifying impact of droughts on barley yield in North Dakota, USA using multiple linear regression and artificial neural network
MS Odabas, N Leelaruban, H Simsek, G Padmanabhan
Neural Network World 24 (4), 343, 2014
Mathematical modeling of the indole-3-butyric acid applications on rooting of northern highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) softwood-cuttings
H Celik, MS Odabas
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 31, 295-299, 2009
Leaf area prediction model for summer snowflake (Leucojum aestivum L.)
MS Odabas, AK Ayan
International Journal of Botany, 2005
The Quantitative Effects of Temperature and Light Intensity on Phenolics Accumulation in St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
MS Odabas, N Camas, C Cirak, J Radušiene, V Janulis, L Ivanauskas
Natural Product Communications 5 (4), 1934578X1000500408, 2010
Modeling the effect of temperature on percentage and duration of seed germination in grain legumes and cereals.
MS Odabas, Z Mut
The quantitative effect of temperature and light intensity at growth in Origanum onites L
O Caliskan, MS Odabas, C Cirak, J Radusiene, F Odabas
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 4 (7), 551-558, 2010
Yield of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.): I. Growth
MS Odabaş, S Uzun, A Gülümser
International Journal of Agricultural Research 2 (9), 765-775, 2007
Non-destructive estimation of leaf area in some medicinal plants.
MS Odabaș, K Kevseroğlu, C Çırak, B Sağlam
Determination of reflectance values of hypericum's leaves under stress conditions using adaptive network based fuzzy inference system
MS Odabas, KE Temizel, O Caliskan, N Senyer, G Kayhan, E Ergun
Neural Network World 24 (1), 79, 2014
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Articles 1–20