Effect of type of granular activated carbon on DOC biodegradation in biological activated carbon filters K Yapsakli, F Cecen Process Biochemistry 45 (3), 355-362, 2010 | 146 | 2010 |
Evaluation of biological activated carbon (BAC) process in wastewater treatment secondary effluent for reclamation purposes Ç Kalkan, K Yapsakli, B Mertoglu, D Tufan, A Saatci Desalination 265 (1-3), 266-273, 2011 | 145 | 2011 |
Inhibitory effects of free ammonia on Anammox bacteria CK Aktan, K Yapsakli, B Mertoglu Biodegradation 23, 751-762, 2012 | 96 | 2012 |
Treatment of landfill leachate using UASB-MBR-SHARON–Anammox configuration D Akgul, CK Aktan, K Yapsakli, B Mertoglu Biodegradation 24, 399-412, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
Identification of nitrifiers and nitrification performance in drinking water biological activated carbon (BAC) filtration K Yapsakli, B Mertoglu, F Çeçen Process Biochemistry 45 (9), 1543-1549, 2010 | 73 | 2010 |
Identification and quantitative evaluation of nitrogen-converting organisms in a full-scale leachate treatment plant K Yapsakli, C Aliyazicioglu, B Mertoglu Journal of Environmental Management 92 (3), 714-723, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
Impact of surface properties of granular activated carbon and preozonation on adsorption and desorption of natural organic matter K Yapsaklı, F Çeçen, Ö Aktaş, ZS Can Environmental engineering science 26 (3), 489-500, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Anammox-zeolite system acting as buffer to achieve stable effluent nitrogen values K Yapsakli, CK Aktan, B Mertoglu Biodegradation 28 (1), 69-79, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
Interaction of Ozone with Formic Acid: A System which Supresses the Scavenging Effect of HCO3-/CO32- K Yapsaklı, ZS Can Water Quality Research Journal 39 (2), 140-148, 2004 | 29 | 2004 |
Speciation of nickel and zinc, its short-term inhibitory effect on anammox, and the associated microbial community composition CK Aktan, AE Uzunhasanoglu, K Yapsakli Bioresource Technology 268, 558-567, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Investigation of nitrogen converters in membrane bioreactor B Ozdemir, B Mertoglu, K Yapsakli, C Aliyazicioglu, A Saatci, O Yenigun Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (5), 500-508, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
A novel fuzzy framework for technology selection of sustainable wastewater treatment plants based on TODIM methodology in developing urban areas G Eseoglu, K Yapsakli, H Tozan, O Vayvay Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8800, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Use of an enriched inoculum for determination of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) in drinking water K Yapsaklı, F Çeçen Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 9 (2), 149-157, 2009 | 8 | 2009 |
Co-occurrence of nitrogen-converting organisms in full-scale treatment plants K Yapsakli Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 45 (9), 1060-1070, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
Application of biological activated carbon (BAC) in drinking water treatment K Yapsakli Çevre Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Short-and long-term effects of copper on anammox under gradually increased copper concentrations CK Aktan, K Yapsakli, B Mertoglu Biodegradation 32, 273-286, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Nitrogen Converters in Various Landfill Leachates. D Akgul, B Yuzer, K Yapsakli, B Mertoglu Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 27 (5), 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
SHARON Prosesinin Sızıntı Suyu Arıtımında Uygulanması K Yapsaklı, CK Aktan, B Mertoglu Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 24 (1), 1-10, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
Occupational risks of podologists: a combined assessment of VOCs, vibration, noise levels and health complaints S Arsal Yıldırım, B Pekey, L Aydin, A Peker Karatoprak, F Kolaylı, ... International journal of environmental health research 34 (6), 2529-2543, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Short-term and long-term inhibitory effects of copper on anammox process CK Aktan, AE Uzunhasanoglu, K Yapsakli, B Mertoglu Proceedings 2 (11), 657, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |