Gökhan Aslan
Gökhan Aslan
NGU (Norwegian Geological Survey)
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Landslide Mapping and Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique in the French Alps
G Aslan, M Foumelis, D Raucoules, M De Michele, S Bernardie, Z Cakir
Remote Sensing 12 (8), 1305, 2020
Shallow creep along the 1999 Izmit earthquake rupture (Turkey) from GPS and high temporal resolution interferometric synthetic aperture radar data (2011–2017)
G Aslan, C Lasserre, Z Cakir, S Ergintav, S Özarpaci, U Dogan, R Bilham, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (2), 2218-2236, 2019
Investigating Subsidence in the Bursa Plain, Turkey, Using Ascending and Descending Sentinel-1 Satellite Data
G Aslan, Z Cakir, L Cécile, F Renard
Remote Sensing 11 (1), 85, 2019
Analysis of secular ground motions in Istanbul from a long-term InSAR time-series (1992–2017)
G Aslan, Z Cakır, S Ergintav, C Lasserre, F Renard
Remote sensing 10 (3), 408, 2018
Transient motion of the largest landslide on earth, modulated by hydrological forces
G Aslan, M de Michele, D Raucoules, S Bernardie, Z Cakir
Scientific Reports 11 (10407), 2021
Long-term spatiotemporal evolution of land subsidence in Konya metropolitan area (Turkey) based on multisensor SAR data
N Şireci, G Aslan, Z Çakir
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 30 (5), 681-697, 2021
Ground investigations and detection and monitoring of landslides using SAR interferometry in Gangtok, Sikkim Himalaya
R Bhasin, G Aslan, J Dehls
GeoHazards 4 (1), 25-39, 2023
Monitoring of Surface Deformation In Northwest Turkey From High-Resolution Insar: Focus On Tectonic Aseismic Slip And Subsidence
G Aslan
Université Grenoble Alpes; Istanbul teknik üniversitesi, 2019
Wide-area ground deformation monitoring in geothermal fields in western Turkey
G ASLAN, H Aydin, Z Cakir
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 31 (3), 247-259, 2022
Analysis of secular ground motions in Istanbul from a long-term InSAR time-series (1992–2017). Remote Sens 10 (3): 408
G Aslan, Z Cakir, S Ergintav, C Lasserre, F Renard
Dynamics of a Giant Slow Landslide Along the Coast of the Aral Sea (Central Asia)
G Aslan, M De Michele, D Raucoules, F Renard, Z Çakir
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 8384 …, 2021
Türkiyenin kuzey-batı bölgesindeki yüzeydeformasyonlarının yüksek çözünürlüklü insar verileriyardımı ile gözlenmesi: Asismik slip ve çöküntü olguları
G Aslan
Avrasya Yerbilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019
Postseismic deformation of the 1999 Izmit Earthquake (Turkey)-the longest recorded afterslip on a major continental fault
Z Cakir, G Aslan, S Cetin, U Dogan, S Ergintav, C Lasserre, F Renard, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, T13E-01, 2017
Dynamics of a giant slow landslide complex along the coast of the Aral Sea, Central Asia
G Aslan, M MICHELE, D Raucoules, F Renard, J Dehls, I Penna, ...
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 32 (6), 819-832, 2023
Identification of secular ground motions in Istanbul by long term time-resolved InSAR analysis (1992-2017).
G Aslan, Z Cakir, S Ergintav, C Lassarre, F Renard
Geophysical Research Abstracts 20, 2018
InSAR Insights into the Massive Himalayan Leo Pargil Landslide
G Aslan, M de Michele, T Redfield, M van-Boeckel, R Hermanns, F Noël, ...
EGU24, 2024
InSAR Norway: Advancing Geohazard Understanding through Wide-Area Analysis
JF Dehls, M Bredal, I Penna, Y Larsen, G Aslan, J Bendle, M Böhme, ...
EGU24, 2024
Brackish-water desalination plant modulates ground deformation in the city of Cape Coral, Florida
G Aslan, I Penna, Z Cakir, J Dehls
Science of Remote Sensing 7, 100077, 2023
Sentinel-1 InSAR Time-series Monitoring of the Unstable Rock Slopes in North Sikkim, India
G Aslan, J Dehls, R Hermanns, I Penna, A Sengupta, V Gupta
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-11320, 2022
Transient Reactivation of Kara-Bogaz-Gol Coastal Landslide, Modulated by Hydrological Forces Captured Using InSAR (Turkmenistan)
G Aslan, M De Michele, D Raucoules, S Bernardie, Z Çakir
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 5239 …, 2021
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Articles 1–20