Yujin Rachel Lee
Yujin Rachel Lee
Assistant Professor of Kangwon National University
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Cited by
Mathematics teachers’ subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in problem posing
Y Lee, RM Capraro, MM Capraro
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 13 (2), 75-90, 2018
Considering mathematical creative self-efficacy with problem posing as a measure of mathematical creativity
A Bicer, Y Lee, C Perihan, MM Capraro, RM Capraro
Educational Studies in Mathematics 105 (3), 457-485, 2020
The effects of problem-posing intervention types on elementary students’ problem-solving
M Kopparla, A Bicer, K Vela, Y Lee, D Bevan, H Kwon, C Caldwell, ...
Educational Studies 45 (6), 708-725, 2019
Affective mathematics engagement: A comparison of STEM PBL versus non-STEM PBL instruction
Y Lee, RM Capraro, A Bicer
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 19, 270-289, 2019
Moving from STEM to STEAM: The effects of informal STEM learning on students' creativity and problem solving skills with 3D printing
A Bicer, SB Nite, RM Capraro, LR Barroso, MM Capraro, Y Lee
2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-6, 2017
The impact of writing practices on students’ mathematical attainment
A Bicer, C Perihan, Y Lee
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 13 (3), 305-313, 2018
A Meta-Analysis: The Effects of CBT as a Clinic-& School-Based Treatment on Students' Mathematics Anxiety.
A Bicer, C Perihan, Y Lee
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 15 (2), 2020
Effect of STEM PBL embedded informal learning on student interest in STEM majors and careers
A Bicer, Y Lee
Journal of Mathematics Education, 57-73, 2019
The factors motivating students’ STEM career aspirations: Personal and societal contexts
Y Lee, MM Capraro, R Viruru
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 26 (5), 2018
Inclusive STEM high school factors influencing ethnic minority students’ STEM preparation
A Bicer, Y Lee, C Perihan
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 7 (2), 147-172, 2020
A Meta-Analysis: Improvement of Students' Algebraic Reasoning through Metacognitive Training.
Y Lee, MM Capraro, RM Capraro, A Bicer
International Education Studies 11 (10), 42-49, 2018
Examining the effects of STEM PBL on students’ divergent thinking attitudes related to creative problem solving
A Bicer, Y Lee, RM Capraro, MM Capraro, LR Barroso, M Rugh
2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-6, 2019
Investigating creativity-directed tasks in middle school mathematics curricula
A Bicer, A Marquez, KVM Colindres, AA Schanke, LB Castellon, ...
Thinking Skills and Creativity 40, 100823, 2021
Pre-service teachers’ preparations for designing and implementing creativity-directed mathematical tasks and instructional practices
A Bicer, A Bicer, C Perihan, Y Lee
Mathematics Education Research Journal 34 (3), 491-521, 2022
Gender difference on spatial visualization by college students’ major types as STEM and non-STEM: a meta-analysis
Y Lee, RM Capraro, A Bicer
International journal of mathematical education in science and technology 50 …, 2019
Cracking the code: The effects of using microcontrollers to code on students’ Interest in computer and electrical engineering
A Bicer, Y Lee, RM Capraro, MM Capraro, LR Barroso, D Bevan, K Vela
2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-7, 2018
Jack and Jill went up the hill, but Jill won both ways: The true story about differential academic achievement
RG Younes, RM Capraro, MM Capraro, R Rosli, Y Lee, K Vela, D Bevan
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 28 (4), 2020
Pre-service Teachers’ Preparedness for Problem Posing: Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Subject Matter Knowledge
Y Lee, A Bicer, H Kwon, RM Capraro
Electronic International Journal of Education, Arts, and Science (EIJEAS) 4 (10), 2019
School and student factors and their influence on affective mathematics engagement
Y Lee, RM Capraro, MM Capraro, A Bicer
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 10 (1), 45-61, 2023
Investigar las tareas dirigidas por la creatividad en los planes de estudio de matemáticas de la escuela secundaria
A Bicer, A Marquez, KV Colindres, AA Schanke, LB Castellon, LM Audette, ...
Thinking Skills and Creativity 40, 100823, 2021
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Articles 1–20