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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
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Uridine treatment protects against neonatal brain damage and long-term cognitive deficits caused by hyperoxia
B Goren, A Cakir, C Sevinc, SS Kocoglu, B Ocalan, C Oy, Z Minbay, ...
Brain Research 1676, 57-68, 2017
Monensin, an Antibiotic Isolated from Streptomyces Cinnamonensis, Regulates Human Neuroblastoma Cell Proliferation via the PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway and …
S Serter Kocoglu, M Secme, C Oy, G Korkusuz, L Elmas
Antibiotics 12 (3), 546, 2023
Investigation of the anticancer mechanism of monensin via apoptosis‐related factors in SH‐SY5Y neuroblastoma cells
S Serter Kocoglu, C Oy, M Secme, FB Sunay
Clinical and Translational Science 16 (9), 1725-1735, 2023
Glutamate receptor antagonist suppresses the activation of nesfatin-1 neurons following refeeding or glucose administration
SS Kocoglu, C Oy, Z Halk, C Çakır, Z Minbay, O Eyigor
Folia Morphologica 81 (2), 379-386, 2022
Enerji metabolizmasında rol oynayan hipotolamik nöropeptitler Nesfatin-1, Oreksin A, speksin ve phoenixin’in insan glioblastoma ve nöroblastoma hücreleri üzerindeki etkilerinin …
C Oy
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2024
Nesfatin nöronlarının besin alımını baskılayıcı işlevi üzerine gonadal steroid hormonların etkisinin immünohistokimyasal olarak araştırılması
C Oy
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2018
Uridine treatment protects against neonatal brain damage and long-term cognitive deficits caused by hyperoxia
B Gören, A Çakır, C Sevinç, SS Koçoğlu, B Öçalan, C Oy, Z Minbay, ...
Elsevier, 2017
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Articles 1–7