Ozgul Yilmaz-Tuzun
Ozgul Yilmaz-Tuzun
Professor of Science Education, Middle East Technical University
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Views of elementary and middle school Turkish students toward environmental issues
O Yilmaz, WJ Boone, HO Andersen
International journal of science education 26 (12), 1527-1546, 2004
Biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının genel biyoloji konularındaki kavram yanılgıları
C Tekkaya, Y Çapa, Ö Yılmaz
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (18), 2000
Preservice science teachers’ informal reasoning about socioscientific issues: The influence of issue context
MS Topcu, TD Sadler, O Yilmaz‐Tuzun
International Journal of Science Education 32 (18), 2475-2495, 2010
Elementary students’ metacognition and epistemological beliefs considering science achievement, gender and socioeconomic status
MS Topçu, Ö Yılmaz Tüzün
null, 2009
Relationships among preservice science teachers’ epistemological beliefs, epistemological world views, and self‐efficacy beliefs
O Yilmaz‐Tuzun, MS Topcu
International Journal of Science Education 30 (1), 65-85, 2008
Preservice elementary teachers’ beliefs about science teaching
O Yilmaz-Tuzun
Journal of Science Teacher Education 19 (2), 183-204, 2008
Preservice science teachers’ epistemological beliefs and informal reasoning regarding socioscientific issues
N Ozturk, O Yilmaz-Tuzun
Research in Science Education 47, 1275-1304, 2017
Exploring the development of preservice science teachers’ views on the nature of science in inquiry-based laboratory instruction
S Ozgelen, O Yilmaz-Tuzun, DL Hanuscin
Research in Science Education 43, 1551-1570, 2013
Turkish preservice science teachers’ informal reasoning regarding socioscientific issues and the factors influencing their informal reasoning
MS Topçu, Ö Yılmaz-Tüzün, TD Sadler
Journal of Science Teacher Education 22 (4), 313-332, 2011
Preservice science teachers’ informal reasoning regarding socioscientific issues and the factors influencing their informal reasoning
MS Topçu
Middle East Technical University, 2008
Investigating pre-service science teachers’ perceived technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) regarding genetics
M Irmak, Ö Yilmaz Tüzün
Research in Science & Technological Education 37 (2), 127-146, 2019
Lise 1. sınıf öğrencilerinin hücre bölünmesi ünitesindeki kavram yanılgılarının tespiti ve giderilmesi. III
Ö Yılmaz, C Tekkaya, Ö Geban, Y Özden
Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Sempozyumu, MEB, ÖYGM, 1999
A study of science teaching self‐efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs of teachers in India
JMS Desouza, WJ Boone, O Yilmaz
Science Education 88 (6), 837-854, 2004
Middle and high school students with learning disabilities: Practical academic interventions for general education teachers-a review of the literature
S Anderson, O Yilmaz, L Wasburn-Moses
American Secondary Education, 19-38, 2004
Investigating the relationships among elementary school students’ epistemological beliefs, metacognition, and constructivist science learning environment
Ö Yilmaz-Tüzün, MS Topcu
Journal of Science Teacher Education 21 (2), 255-273, 2010
Exploration of Preservice Science Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs, World Views, and Self-Efficacy Considering Gender and Achievement.
Ö Yılmaz-Tüzün, MS Topçu
Ilkogretim Online 12 (3), 2013
Relationships between teacher discursive moves and middle school students’ cognitive contributions to science concepts
Y Soysal, O Yilmaz-Tuzun
Research in Science Education 51, 325-367, 2021
Development and validation of nature of science instrument for elementary school students
E Hacıeminoğlu, Ö Yılmaz-Tüzün, H Ertepınar
Education 3-13 42 (3), 258-283, 2014
Moral reasoning patterns and influential factors in the context of environmental problems
B Tuncay, Ö Yılmaz-Tüzün, GT Teksoz
Environmental Education Research 18 (4), 485-505, 2012
Exploring environmental literacy through demographic variables.
G Öztürk, ÖY Tüzün, G Teksöz
Ilkogretim Online 12 (4), 2013
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Articles 1–20