Dr. Thomas Richter
Cited by
Cited by
Open Educational Resources: Education for the World?
T Richter, M McPherson
Distance Education 33 (2), 201-219, 2012
Beyond OER: Shifting focus to open educational practices
A Andrade, UD Ehlers, A Caine, R Carneiro, G Conole, AK Kairamo, ...
OPAL report, 2011
Barriers and Motivators for Using Open Educational Resources in Schools
T Richter, UD Ehlers
elearningpapers 23 (3), 2011
The Need for Standardization of Context Metadata for e-Learning Environments
T Richter, JM Pawlowski
e-ASEM Conference, 41-72, 2007
Adaptability as a Special Demand on Open Educational Resources: The Cultural Context of e-Learning
T Richter
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL), 2011
A Methodology to Compare and Adapt E-Learning in the Global Context
JM Pawlowski, T Richter
E-Learning 2010 – Aspekte der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Informatik, 3-14, 2010
Context and Culture Metadata – a Tool for the Internationalization of e-Learning
JM Pawlowski, T Richter
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and …, 2007
Fostering the Exploitation of Open Educational Resources
T Richter, P Veith
Open Praxis 6 (3), 205-220, 2014
Barriers against Open Educational Resources and possible Solutions: Teachers’ Perspectives and Recommendations
T Richter, A Bruce, T Hoel, E Megalou, T Kretschmer, I Mazar, S Sotiriou, ...
6th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, ICERI …, 2013
E-Learning: Education for Everyone? Special Requirements on Learners in Internet-based Learning Environments
T Richter, H Adelsberger, Heimo
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and …, 2011
Adaptation of e-Learning Environments: Determining National Differences through Context Metadata
T Richter, M Pawlowski, Jan
TRANS: Internet-Journal for Culture Studies, 2008
A Conceptual Culture Model for Design Science Research
T Richter
International Journal of Business and Social Research 6 (3), 1-19, 2016
On the myth of a general national culture: Making specific cultural characteristics of learners in different educational contexts in Germany visible
T Richter, H Adelsberger, Heimo
Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication (CATaC), 105-120, 2012
Overcoming the cultural distance in social OER environments
H Pirkkalainen, J Jokinen, JM Pawlowski, T Richter
6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2014, 15-24, 2014
Open Discovery Space
SA Sotiriou, N Athanasiades, A Ramfos, CM Stracke, T Richter, ...
22nd EDEN Annual Conference, 495-503, 2013
Analysing New E-Learning Culture
UD Ehlers, C Helmstedt, T Richter
EDEN 2010 Annual Conference, 14-22, 2010
Open Educational Resources in the Context of School Education: Barriers and possible Solutions
T Richter, A Bruce, T Hoel, E Megalou, T Kretschmer, I Mazar, S Sotiriou, ...
European Scientific Journal 10 (19), 1-19, 2014
Culture, Gender and Technology Enhanced Learning: Female and Male Students' Perceptions across three Countries
T Richter, A Zelenkauskaite
8th IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2014, part of the …, 2014
Open Educational Resources im kulturellen Kontext von e-Learning
T Richter
Zeitschrift für E-Learning, 30-42, 2010
Learners’ Cultures in the Context of Education
T Richter, H Adelsberger, Heimo
In: Zvacek, S., Restivo, M.T., Uhomoibhi, J., & Helfert, M. (Eds.), Computer …, 2016
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Articles 1–20