Murat Hosoz
Cited by
Cited by
Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine using isobutanol–diesel fuel blends
M Karabektas, M Hosoz
Renewable Energy 34 (6), 1554-1559, 2009
Performance and exhaust emissions of a gasoline engine using artificial neural network
C Sayin, HM Ertunc, M Hosoz, I Kilicaslan, M Canakci
Applied thermal engineering 27 (1), 46-54, 2007
The effects of preheated cottonseed oil methyl ester on the performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine
M Karabektas, G Ergen, M Hosoz
Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (17-18), 2136-2143, 2008
Energy and exergy analyses of a diesel engine fuelled with various biodiesels
M Canakci, M Hosoz
Energy Sources, Part B 1 (4), 379-394, 2006
Performance evaluation of an integrated automotive air conditioning and heat pump system
M Hosoz, M Direk
Energy conversion and management 47 (5), 545-559, 2006
Artificial neural network analysis of a refrigeration system with an evaporative condenser
HM Ertunc, M Hosoz
Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (5-6), 627-635, 2006
Performance prediction of a cooling tower using artificial neural network
M Hosoz, HM Ertunç, H Bulgurcu
Energy Conversion and Management 48 (4), 1349-1359, 2007
Energy and exergy analyses of a gasoline engine
C Sayin, M Hosoz, M Canakci, I Kilicaslan
International journal of energy research 31 (3), 259-273, 2007
Energy and irreversibility analysis of a cascade refrigeration system for various refrigerant couples
A Kilicarslan, M Hosoz
Energy Conversion and Management 51 (12), 2947-2954, 2010
Artificial neural network analysis of an automobile air conditioning system
M Hosoz, HM Ertunc
Energy Conversion and Management 47 (11-12), 1574-1587, 2006
The effects of using diethylether as additive on the performance and emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with CNG
M Karabektas, G Ergen, M Hosoz
Fuel 115, 855-860, 2014
An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system model for predicting the performance of a refrigeration system with a cooling tower
M Hosoz, HM Ertunc, H Bulgurcu
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (11), 14148-14155, 2011
Comparative analysis of an evaporative condenser using artificial neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
HM Ertunc, M Hosoz
international journal of refrigeration 31 (8), 1426-1436, 2008
Effects of the blends containing low ratios of alternative fuels on the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine
M Karabektas, G Ergen, M Hosoz
Fuel 112, 537-541, 2013
Performance evaluations of refrigeration systems with air‐cooled, water‐cooled and evaporative condensers
M Hosoz, A Kilicarslan
International journal of energy research 28 (8), 683-696, 2004
ANFIS modelling of the performance and emissions of a diesel engine using diesel fuel and biodiesel blends
M Hosoz, HM Ertunc, M Karabektas, G Ergen
Applied Thermal Engineering 60 (1-2), 24-32, 2013
Modelling of a cascade refrigeration system using artificial neural network
M Hosoz, HM Ertunc
International Journal of Energy Research 30 (14), 1200-1215, 2006
Comparative performance of an automotive air conditioning system using fixed and variable capacity compressors
A Alkan, M Hosoz
International Journal of Refrigeration 33 (3), 487-495, 2010
Performance evaluation of an R134a automotive heat pump system for various heat sources in comparison with baseline heating system
M Hosoz, M Direk, KS Yigit, M Canakci, A Turkcan, E Alptekin, A Sanli
Applied Thermal Engineering 78, 419-427, 2015
Performance evaluation of an automotive air conditioning and heat pump system using R1234yf and R134a
MC Aral, M Suhermanto, M Hosoz
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 27 (1), 44-60, 2021
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Articles 1–20