Pandian Chelliah
Pandian Chelliah
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College
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Observations of two-dimensional monolayer zinc oxide
T Sahoo, SK Nayak, P Chelliah, MK Rath, B Parida
Materials Research Bulletin 75, 134-138, 2016
Looped back fiber mode for reduction of false alarm in leak detection using distributed optical fiber sensor
P Chelliah, K Murgesan, S Samvel, BR Chelamchala, J Tammana, ...
Applied Optics 49 (20), 3869-3874, 2010
Single-fiber grid for improved spatial resolution in distributed fiber optic sensor
C Pandian, M Kasinathan, S Sosamma, CB Rao, T Jayakumar, N Murali, ...
Optics letters 35 (10), 1677-1679, 2010
Sensors for monitoring components, systems and processes
T Jayakumar, CB Rao, J Philip, CK Mukhopadhyay, J Jayapandian, ...
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 3 (1), 61-74, 2010
One-dimensional temperature reconstruction for Raman distributed temperature sensor using path delay multiplexing
C Pandian, M Kasinathan, S Sosamma, CB Rao, N Murali, T Jayakumar, ...
JOSA B 26 (12), 2423-2426, 2009
Optimization of electric field enhancement of Ag@ SiO2 trimer nanospheres by finite difference time domain method
A Nagarajan, AP Panchanathan, P Chelliah, H Satoh, H Inokawa
Applied Surface Science 495, 143547, 2019
Raman distributed sensor system for temperature monitoring and leak detection in sodium circuits of FBR
C Pandian, M Kasinathan, S Sosamma, CB Rao, T Jayakumar, N Murali, ...
2009 1st International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation …, 2009
Study of symmetric and asymmetric defect positions in a photonic crystal supercell
SR Cornelious, T Sahoo, A Sujatha, P Chelliah
Optics Communications 450, 22-27, 2019
A machine learning approach to nonlinear ultrasonics for classifying annealing conditions in austenitic stainless steel
ST Abraham, M Mohan, P Chelliah, K Balasubramaniam, B Venkatraman
Journal of Applied Physics 132 (11), 2022
FDTD study on evolution of trimer silver@ silica nanospheres to dimer for SERS characteristics
A Nagarajan, AP Panchanathan, P Chelliah, H Satoh, H Inokawa
Plasmonics, 1-6, 2022
Simulation of path delay multiplexing-based Fourier transform spectrometer for fiber Bragg grating interrogation
P Chelliah, T Sahoo, S Singh, A Sujatha
Applied optics 54 (30), 8867-8871, 2015
Fiber optic sensors for monitoring sodium circuits and power grid cables
M Kasinathan, S Sosamma, C Pandian, V Vijayakumar, S Chandramouli, ...
2011 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation …, 2011
Bond monitoring in temperature-dependent applications by FBG spectra decomposition
S Sosamma, M Kasinathan, C Pandian, CB Rao, T Jayakumar, N Murali, ...
Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring 52 (11), 617-619, 2010
Metal nanoparticle assisted growth of assembled zinc oxide nanostructure by low temperature solution phase technique
T Sahoo, C Pandian, KM Rahulan, MK Rath
Materials Letters 186, 214-216, 2017
Temperature measurement of overlapped fiber Bragg grating sensors in a series fiber sensor network
S Venkatesan, M Mohan, P Chelliah
Results in Optics 15, 100649, 2024
Simulation studies of spectral subtraction based temperature compensation of FBG sensor for structural health monitoring based on principal component analysis
P Chelliah, A Deniz, C Kuelen, G Bektaş, T Boz, FF Melemez, C Öztürk, ...
Stanford University, 2013
Identification of a dormant thermally-stimulated defect in an optical fibre using a Raman sensor
C Pandian, S Sosamma, M Kasinathan, C Babu Rao, N Murali, ...
Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring 51 (10), 568-569, 2009
Simulation of Spectral Division Multiplexing For Monitoring Identical FBGs
V Sugumar, C Pandian, T Sahoo
2019 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), 1-3, 2019
Damage detection in composite plates using fiber bragg gratings
T Boz, P Chelliah, G Bektas, FF Melemez, M Yildiz, C Ozturk
Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Venice, Italy, 2012
Simulation of Overlapped FBG sensors in a sensor network for strain measurement
S Venkatesan, S Ponnusamy, K Venugopal, P Chelliah
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, JD6A. 5, 2024
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Articles 1–20