Alper Gürbüz
Alper Gürbüz
Ankara Üniversitesi
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Geometric characteristics of pull-apart basins
A Gürbüz
Lithosphere 2 (3), 199-206, 2010
Jeolojik miras nitelikli Türkiye doğal taşları
N Kazancı, A Gürbüz
Geological Bulletin of Turkey 57 (1), 19-44, 2014
Tectonic geomorphology of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Lake Sapanca basin (Eastern Marmara Region, Turkey)
A Gürbüz, ÖF Gürer
Geosciences Journal 12 (3), 215-225, 2008
Complex basin evolution in the Gökova Gulf region: implications on the Late Cenozoic tectonics of southwest Turkey
ÖF Gürer, E Sanğu, M Özburan, A Gürbüz, N Sarica-Filoreau
International Journal of Earth Sciences 102, 2199–2221, 2013
High-resolution palynological analysis in Lake Sapanca as a tool to detect recent earthquakes on the North Anatolian Fault
SAG Leroy, S Boyraz, A Gürbüz
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (25-26), 2616-2632, 2009
Quaternary deposits of the Büyük Menderes Graben in western Anatolia, Turkey: Implications for river capture and the longest Holocene estuary in the Aegean Sea
N Kazancı, S Dündar, MC Alçiçek, A Gürbüz
Marine Geology 264 (3-4), 165-176, 2009
Büyük Menderes nehri’nin jeolojisi ve evrimi
N Kazancı, A Gürbüz, S Boyraz
Geological Bulletin of Turkey 54 (1-2), 25-55, 2011
Plio-Quaternary development of the Baklan–Dinar graben: implications for cross-graben formation in SW Turkey
A Gürbüz, S Boyraz, MT Ismael
International Geology Review 54 (1), 33-50, 2012
Middle Pleistocene extinction process of pull-apart basins along the North Anatolian Fault Zone
A Gürbüz, ÖF Gürer
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 173 (1-2), 177-180, 2009
Plio-Quaternary kinematic development and paleostress pattern of the Edremit Basin, western Turkey
ÖF Gürer, E Sangu, M Özburan, A Gürbüz, A Gürer, H Sinir
Tectonophysics 679, 199-210, 2016
Strike–slip faulting, topographic growth and block movements as deduced from drainage anomalies: the Yeşilırmak River basin, northern Turkey
E Gürbüz, N Kazancı, A Gürbüz
Geomorphology 246, 634-648, 2015
The discovery of a low-angle normal fault on the Taurus Mountains: the İvriz detachment and implications concerning the Cenozoic geology of southern Turkey
G Seyitoğlu, V Işık, E Gürbüz, A Gürbüz
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 26 (3), 189-205, 2017
Anthropogenic affects on lake sedimentation process: a case study from Lake Sapanca, NW Turkey
A Gürbüz, ÖF Gürer
Environmental Geology 56 (2), 299-307, 2008
Facies characteristics and control mechanisms of Quaternary deposits in the Tuz Gölü basin
A Gürbüz, N Kazancı
Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 149 (149), 1-18, 2014
Genetic framework of Neogene−Quaternary basin closure process in central Turkey
A Gürbüz, N Kazancı
Lithosphere 7 (4), 421-426, 2015
Science versus Myth: Was there a connection between the Marmara Sea and Lake Sapanca?
A Gürbüz, SAG Leroy
Journal of Quaternary Science 25 (2), 103-114, 2010
Geological evolution of a tectonic and climatic transition zone: the Beyşehir-Suğla basin, lake district of Turkey
A Gürbüz, N Kazancı, HY Hakyemez, SAG Leroy, N Roberts, G Saraç, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 110 (3), 1077-1107, 2021
A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, northwest Turkey
G Seyitoğlu, B Kaypak, B Aktuğ, E Gürbüz, K Esat, A Gürbüz
Geological Bulletin of Turkey 59 (2), 115-130, 2016
Salted Landscapes in the Tuz Gölü (Central Anatolia): The End Stage of a Tertiary Basin
E Özsayın, A Gürbüz, C Kuzucuoğlu, B Erdoğu
Landscapes and Landforms of Turkey, 339-351, 2019
Paleoenvironments of the Cappadocia region during the Neogene and Quaternary, central Turkey
A Gürbüz, G Saraç, N Yavuz
Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 1 (2), 271-296, 2019
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Articles 1–20