Nao Sudo
Nao Sudo
Bank of Japan
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The effects of monetary policy shocks on inequality in Japan
M Inui, N Sudou, T Yamada
BIS working paper, 2017
Wage, income and consumption inequality in Japan, 1981–2008: From boom to lost decades
J Lise, N Sudo, M Suzuki, K Yamada, T Yamada
Review of Economic Dynamics 17 (4), 582-612, 2014
Global liquidity trap
I Fujiwara, T Nakajima, N Sudo, Y Teranishi
Journal of Monetary Economics 60 (8), 936-949, 2013
The effects of oil price changes on the industry-level production and prices in the United States and Japan
I Fukunaga, N Hirakata, N Sudo
Commodity Prices and Markets, East Asia Seminar on Economics 20, 195-231, 2011
Do banking shocks matter for the US economy?
N Hirakata, N Sudo, K Ueda
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35 (12), 2042-2063, 2011
Chained credit contracts and financial accelerators
N Hirakata, N Sudo, K Ueda
IMES Discussion Paper Series, 2009
Macroeconomic impact of population aging in Japan: a perspective from an overlapping generations model
I Muto, T Oda, N Sudo
IMF Economic Review 64 (3), 408-442, 2016
Sectoral comovement, monetary policy shocks, and input–output structure
N Sudo
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44 (6), 1225-1244, 2012
Micro Price Dynamics during J apan's Lost Decades
N Sudo, K Ueda, K Watanabe
Asian Economic Policy Review 9 (1), 44-64, 2014
Capital injection, monetary policy, and financial accelerators
N Hirakata, N Sudo, K Ueda
31st issue (June 2013) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
Population aging and the real interest rate in the last and next 50 years: A tale told by an overlapping generations model
N Sudo, Y Takizuka
Macroeconomic dynamics 24 (8), 2060-2103, 2020
Productivity and fiscal policy in Japan: Short-term forecasts from the standard growth model
S Imrohoroglu, N Sudo
Monetary and Economic Studies 29, 73-106, 2011
Deviations from covered interest rate parity and the dollar funding of global banks
T Iida, T Kimura, N Sudo
55th issue (September 2018) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
The zero lower bound and monetary policy in a global economy: a simple analytical investigation
I Fujiwara, N Sudo, Y Teranishi
Twentieth issue (March 2010) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
Will a growth miracle reduce debt in Japan?
S Imrohoroglu, N Sudo
Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, 2011
A comparison of the Japanese and US business cycles
RA Braun, J Esteban-Pretel, T Okada, N Sudou
Japan and the World Economy 18 (4), 441-463, 2006
Regulatory reforms and the dollar funding of global banks: Evidence from the impact of monetary policy divergence
T Iida, T Kimura, N Sudo
Bank of Japan, 2016
Supplementary Paper Series for the" Comprehensive Assessment"(2): Developments in the Natural Rate of Interest in Japan
S Fujiwara, Y Iwasaki, I Muto, K Nishizaki, N Sudo
Bank of Japan Review Series, 2016
Natural rate of interest in Japan
Y Okazaki, N Sudo
Bank of japan working paper series, 2018
Prenatal molecular diagnosis of a severe type of L1 syndrome (X-linked hydrocephalus)
MM YaMasaki, M NoNaka, N Suzumori, H Nakamura, H Fujita, A Namba, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 8 (4), 411-416, 2011
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Articles 1–20