Takip et
m. namik yalcin
m. namik yalcin
Professor of Geology (em.)
istanbul.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Pore volume and surface area of the Carboniferous coals from the Zonguldak basin (NW Turkey) and their variations with rank and maceral composition
G Gürdal, MN Yalçın
International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (1-2), 133-144, 2001
Thermal history of sedimentary basins
MN Yalcin, R Littke, RF Sachsenhofer
Petroleum and Basin Evolution: Insights from Petroleum Geochemistry, Geology …, 1997
Basin modelling—A new comprehensive method in petroleum geology
DH Welte, MN Yalcin
Organic geochemistry in petroleum exploration, 141-151, 1988
New evidence for a mixed inorganic and organic origin of the Olympic Chimaera fire (Turkey): a large onshore seepage of abiogenic gas
H Hosgormez, G Etiope, MN Yalçin
Geofluids 8 (4), 263-273, 2008
Deep petroleum occurrences in the Lower Kura Depression, South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan: an organic geochemical and basin modeling study
S Inan, MN Yalçin, IS Guliev, K Kuliev, AA Feizullayev
Marine and Petroleum Geology 14 (7-8), 731-762, 1997
Sedimentological evolution of the Adana Basin
MN Yalçin, N Gorur
Geology of the Taurus belt. International symposium, 165-172, 1984
Izmit (Turkey) earthquake of 17 August 1999: first report
MN Toksoz, RE Reilinger, CG Doll, AA Barka, N Yalcin
Seismological Research Letters 70 (6), 669-679, 1999
Gas adsorption capacity of Carboniferous coals in the Zonguldak basin (NW Turkey) and its controlling factors
G Gürdal, MN Yalçın
Fuel 79 (15), 1913-1924, 2000
Expulsion of oil from petroleum source rocks: inferences from pyrolysis of samples of unconventional grain size
S Inan, MN Yalçin, U Mann
Organic Geochemistry 29 (1-3), 45-61, 1998
Site amplification at Avcılar, Istanbul
M Ergin, S Özalaybey, M Aktar, MN Yalcin
Tectonophysics 391 (1-4), 335-346, 2004
Isotopic and molecular composition of coal-bed gas in the Amasra region (Zonguldak basin—western Black Sea)
H Hoşgörmez, MN Yalçın, B Cramer, P Gerling, E Faber, RG Schaefer, ...
Organic Geochemistry 33 (12), 1429-1439, 2002
Devonian in Turkey—a review
MN Yalçin, I Yilmaz
Geologica carpathica 61 (3), 235-253, 2010
Gas-source rock correlation in Thrace basin, Turkey
H Hoşgörmez, MN Yalçın
Marine and Petroleum Geology 22 (8), 901-916, 2005
Holocene coastal change in the ancient harbor of Yenikapı–İstanbul and its impact on cultural history
O Algan, MN Yalçın, M Özdoğan, Y Yılmaz, E Sarı, E Kırcı-Elmas, İ Yılmaz, ...
Quaternary Research 76 (1), 30-45, 2011
Amanos dağlarının jeolojisi
Y Yılmaz, C Demirkol, O Gürpınar, N Yalçın, C Yetiş, E Yiğitbaş, Y Günay, ...
Cilt: I-II-III-IV, İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, Döner …, 1984
Amanosların Litolojik Karakterleri ve Güneydoğu Anadolu'nun Tektonik Evrimindeki Anlamı
N Yalçın
Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 23 (1), 21-30, 1980
Identification and origin of bitumen in Neolithic artefacts from Demirköy Höyük (8100 BC): Comparison with oil seeps and crude oils from southeastern Turkey
J Connan, O Kavak, E Akin, MN Yalçin, K Imbus, J Zumberge
Organic Geochemistry 37 (12), 1752-1767, 2006
Devonian shallow-water sequences from the North Gondwana coastal margin (Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey): Sedimentology, facies and global events
A Wehrmann, I Yılmaz, MN Yalçın, V Wilde, E Schindler, K Weddige, ...
Gondwana Research 17 (2-3), 546-560, 2010
Doğu Anadolu Yarılımının Türkoğlu-Karaağaç (K.Maraş) Arasındaki Kesiminin Özellikleri ve Bölgedeki Yerleşme Alanları
N Yalçın
Altınlı Simpozyumu,, 49-55, 1979
Formation and occurrence of petroleum in sedimentary basins as deduced from computer-aided basin modelling
DH Welte, MN Yalcin
Petroleum geochemistry and exploration in the Afro-Asian region, 17-23, 1987
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Makaleler 1–20