Seismic behavior of two exterior beam–column connections made of normal-strength concrete developed for precast construction E Yuksel, HF Karadogan, IE Bal, A Ilki, A Bal, P Inci Engineering Structures 99, 157-172, 2015 | 124 | 2015 |
Effects of reinforcement corrosion on the performance of RC frame buildings subjected to seismic actions P Inci, C Goksu, A Ilki, N Kumbasar Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 27 (6), 683-696, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
Effect of corrosion on bond mechanism between extremely low-strength concrete and plain reinforcing bars C Goksu, P Inci, A Ilki Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 30 (3), 04015055, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Effects of seismic damage and retrofitting on a full-scale substandard RC building-ambient vibration tests P Inci, C Goksu, E Tore, A Ilki Journal of Earthquake Engineering 26 (11), 5747-5774, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Field testing of substandard RC buildings through forced vibration tests C Goksu, P Inci, U Demir, U Yazgan, A Ilki Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15, 3245-3263, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Seismic Retrofitting Of the 19TH Century Hirka-i Serif Mosque Using Textile Reinforced Mortar C Demir, M Comert, P Inci, S Dusak, A Ilki International Journal of Architectural Heritage 17 (8), 1364-1387, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Investigation procedure for the diagnosis of historical minarets: Inclined minaret of Sivas Ulu Cami (Mosque) P İnci, OF Halici, C Demir, M Comert, B Aldirmaz, S Coban, F Kiraz, ... International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation …, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Ambient vibration testing of different levels of structural seismic damage P Inci, C Goksu, U Demir, A Ilki International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics …, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Assessment of seismic demand and damping of a reinforced concrete building after CFRP jacketing of columns P Inci, C Goksu, E Tore, E Binbir, AO Ates, A Ilki Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 82 (5), 651-665, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Ambient Vibration Testing of a Three-Storey Substandard RC Building at Different Levels of Structural Seismic Damage P Inci, C Goksu, U Demir, A Ilki Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and …, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Structures with a Focus on 13th Century A Ilki, P Inci, OF Halici, C Demir¹ Earthquake Resistant Design, Protection, and Performance Assessment in …, 2024 | | 2024 |
An Overview on the Structural Monitoring, Assessment and Retrofitting of Historical Structures with a Focus on 13th Century Monuments A Ilki, P Inci, OF Halici, C Demir, M Comert, F Kuran International Congress on Advanced Earthquake Resistant Structures, 206-234, 2023 | | 2023 |
CICE 2020/2021 Abstract Book A Ilki, M Ispir, P Inci International Institute for FRP in Construction, 2021 | | 2021 |
10th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering: Proceedings of CICE 2020/2021 A Ilki, M Ispir, P Inci Springer Nature, 2021 | | 2021 |
Spectral analysis of vibrations of ITU TRIGA MARK-II nuclear research reactor building, Istanbul, Turkey M Cakman, U Harmankaya, B Barutcu, PI Kocak, A Ilki, A Kaslilar 1st Conference on Geophysics for Infrastructure Planning Monitoring and BIM …, 2019 | | 2019 |
The Bond-Slip Behavior of Extremely Low Strength RC Columns with Corroded Plain Bars C Goksu, P Inci, A Ilki The 4th Asia-Pacific Young Researchers and Graduate Symposium, 2012 | | 2012 |
Donatı Korozyonunun Betonarme Çerçevelerin Deprem Yükleri Altındaki Davranışına Etkisi P Inci, C Goksu, A Ilki Seventh National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 30 May-3 June 2011 …, 2011 | | 2011 |
Donatı Korozyonunun Betonarme Yapıların Deprem Performansına Etkisi P İnci Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 0 | | |