Shoaib R. Soomro
Shoaib R. Soomro
Mehran University of Engg. & Tech., Pakistan
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Cited by
Vehicle number recognition system for automatic toll tax collection
SR Soomro, MA Javed, FA Memon
2012 international conference of robotics and artificial intelligence, 125-129, 2012
Design, fabrication and characterization of transparent retro-reflective screen
SR Soomro, H Urey
Optics express 24 (21), 24232-24241, 2016
Head mounted projection display & visual attention: Visual attentional processing of head referenced static and dynamic displays while in motion and standing
Ç Genç, S Soomro, Y Duyan, S Ölçer, F Balcı, H Ürey, O Özcan
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
Light-efficient augmented reality 3D display using highly transparent retro-reflective screen
SR Soomro, H Urey
Applied optics 56 (22), 6108-6113, 2017
Next generation augmented reality displays
MK Hedili, E Ulusoy, S Kazempour, S Soomro, H Urey
2018 IEEE SENSORS, 1-3, 2018
Bacterial blight and cotton leaf curl virus detection using inception V4 based CNN model for cotton crops
S Anwar, AR Kolachi, SK Baloch, SR Soomro
2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Image Processing Applications and …, 2022
Performance Analysis of Deep Transfer Learning Models for the Automated Detection of Cotton Plant Diseases
S Anwar, SR Soomro, SK Baloch, AA Patoli, AR Kolachi
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 13 (5), 11561-11567, 2023
Augmented reality 3D display using head-mounted projectors and transparent retro-reflective screen
SR Soomro, H Urey
Advances in Display Technologies VII 10126, 85-90, 2017
Retro-reflective characteristics of transparent screen for head mounted projection displays
SR Soomro, H Urey
Frontiers in Optics, FTu5A. 2, 2016
Integrated 3D display and imaging using dual purpose passive screen and head-mounted projectors and camera
SR Soomro, H Urey
Optics Express 26 (2), 1161-1173, 2018
Decoupling of real and digital content in projection-based augmented reality systems using time multiplexed image capture
SR Soomro, E Ulusoy, H Urey
Electronic Imaging 29, 54-59, 2017
Visual acuity response when using the 3D head-up display in the presence of an accommodation-convergence conflict
SR Soomro, H Urey
Journal of information display 21 (2), 93-101, 2020
Towards Mobile 3D Telepresence Using Head-Worn Devices and Dual-Purpose Screens
SR Soomro, O Eldes, H Urey
2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 1-2, 2018
Head-mounted adaptive optics visual simulator
SR Soomro, S Sager, AM Paniagua-Diaz, PM Prieto, P Artal
Biomedical Optics Express 15 (2), 608-623, 2024
Projection Type Interactive Head-up Display Based on Retroreflective Surface and Leap Motion Sensor
ZA Shaikh, SA Hussain, SA Bangwar, SR Soomro
2021 6th International Multi-Topic ICT Conference (IMTIC), 1-5, 2021
Dual function display and multi-view imaging system
H Urey, S Soomro, M Eralp
US Patent 10,531,070, 2020
Cotton leaf disease classification using YOLO deep learning framework and indigenous dataset
AR Kolachi, SR Soomro, SK Baloch, AA Patoli, S Anwar
International Journal of Systematic Innovation 7 (7), 80-88, 2023
Integrated Multi-view 3D Image Capture and Motion Parallax 3D Display System
M Lal, SK Baloch, SR Soomro
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology, 1-13, 2022
Dual purpose passive screen for simultaneous display and imaging
SR Soomro, E Ulusoy, M Eralp, H Urey
Advances in Display Technologies VII 10126, 114-119, 2017
Wearable see-through Adaptive Optics Visual Corrector
AM Paniagua-Diaz, SR Soomro, J Mompeán, SS La Ganga, P Prieto, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65 (7), 6525-6525, 2024
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Articles 1–20