Emre Alp
Emre Alp
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Integrated solid waste management strategy of a large campus: A comprehensive study on METU campus, Turkey
E Bahçelioğlu, ES Buğdaycı, NB Doğan, N Şimşek, SÖ Kaya, E Alp
Journal of Cleaner Production 265, 121715, 2020
Hydropower in Turkey: Economical, social and environmental aspects and legal challenges
E Kentel, E Alp
Environmental Science & Policy 31, 34-43, 2013
Allocation of supplementary aeration stations in the Chicago waterway system for dissolved oxygen improvement
E Alp, CS Melching
Journal of environmental management 92 (6), 1577-1583, 2011
Valuation of environmental improvements in a specially protected marine area: A choice experiment approach in Göcek Bay, Turkey
Ö Can, E Alp
Science of the Total Environment 439, 291-298, 2012
Evaluation of the best management practices in a semi-arid region with high agricultural activity
Z Özcan, E Kentel, E Alp
Agricultural Water Management 194, 160-171, 2017
Determination of unit nutrient loads for different land uses in wet periods through modelling and optimization for a semi-arid region
Z Özcan, E Kentel, E Alp
Journal of Hydrology 540, 40-49, 2016
A pollution fate and transport model application in a semi-arid region: Is some number better than no number?
Z Özcan, O Başkan, HŞ Düzgün, E Kentel, E Alp
Science of The Total Environment 595, 425-440, 2017
Calibration of a model for simulation of water quality during unsteady flow in the Chicago Waterway System and application to evaluate use attainability analysis remedial actions
E Alp, CS Melching
Technical Rep 18, 2006
Effectiveness of combined sewer overflow treatment for dissolved oxygen improvement in the Chicago Waterways
E Alp, CS Melching, H Zhang, R Lanyon
Water science and technology 56 (1), 215-222, 2007
Evaluation of the duration of storm effects on in-stream water quality
E Alp, CS Melching
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 135 (2), 107-116, 2009
Development of a site selection methodology for run-of-river hydroelectric power plants within the water-energy-ecosystem nexus
P Temel, E Kentel, E Alp
Science of The Total Environment 856, 159152, 2023
Application of the contingent valuation method in a developing country: a case study of the Yusufeli Dam in northeast Turkey
E Alp, Ü Yetiş
Water Science and Technology 62 (1), 99-105, 2010
Modeling evaluation of integrated strategies to meet proposed dissolved oxygen standards for the Chicago waterway system
CS Melching, Y Ao, E Alp
Journal of environmental management 116, 145-155, 2013
Use of theoretical waste inventories in planning and monitoring of hazardous waste management systems
O Yilmaz, ZS Can, I Toroz, O Dogan, S Oncel, E Alp, FB Dilek, T Karanfil, ...
Waste Management & Research 32 (8), 763-771, 2014
Flow augmentation for dissolved oxygen improvement in Chicago waterways
E Alp, CS Melching, R Lanyon
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, 4854-4863, 2009
Application of Benefit Transfer with Contingent Valuation Method to the Root River Watershed
E Alp, DE Clark, CS Melching, V Novotny
Institute for Urban Environmental Risk Management, Marquette University, 2002
Report on the ecological impacts of small hydropower plants in Turkey and recommendations to the gold standard foundation
H Ülgen, E Alp, U Zeydanlı, B Kurt, Ö Balkız
Nature Conservation Centre, 2011
Development of integrated strategies to meet proposed dissolved oxygen standards for the Chicago Waterway System
CS Melching, E Alp, Y Ao
Institute for Urban Environmental Risk Management (Technical Report No. 20 …, 2010
Evaluation of Environmental Performance Based on Proximity to Bat Associated Resource Utilization and Emission Values: A Case Study in a Steel-Making Industry
N Cakir, E Alp, U Yetis
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 1-19, 2016
Assessing technologies for reducing dust emissions from sintermaking based on cross-media effects and economic analysis
N Cakir, E Alp, U Yetis
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 22 (9), 1909-1928, 2020
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Articles 1–20