Ali Gelir
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Cited by
Elucidation of multiple-point interactions of pyranine fluoroprobe during the gelation
Y Yilmaz, N Uysal, A Gelir, O Guney, DK Aktas, S Gogebakan, A Oner
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 72 (2 …, 2009
Synthesis and photophysical properties phthalocyanine–pyrene dyads
İ Özceşmeci, A Gelir, A Gül
Dyes and Pigments 92 (3), 954-960, 2012
Dielectric study of neutral and charged hydrogels during the swelling process
Y Yılmaz, A Gelir, F Salehli, RR Nigmatullin, AA Arbuzov
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (23), 2006
Synthesis and photophysical properties of a porphyrin–BODIPY dyad and a porphyrin–o-carborane–BODIPY triad
E Berksun, I Nar, A Atsay, İ Özçeşmeci, A Gelir, E Hamuryudan
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 5 (1), 200-207, 2018
The ONN-complexes of dioxomolybdenum(VI) with dibasic 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde S-methyl/allyl-4-phenyl-thiosemicarbazones
İ Kızılcıklı, S Eğlence, A Gelir, B Ülküseven
Transition Metal Chemistry 33, 775-779, 2008
Testing percolation theory in the laboratory: Measuring the critical exponents and fractal dimension during gelation
Y Yilmaz, A Gelir, E Alveroglu, N Uysal
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (5 …, 2008
In situ monitoring of the synthesis of a pyranine-substituted phthalonitrile derivative via the steady-state fluorescence technique
A Gelir, İ Yılmaz, Y Yılmaz
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (2), 478-484, 2007
New ferrocenyl naphthoquinone fused crown ether chemosensors: Highly selective, kinetically and regio controlled colorimetric, beryllium ion recognition
Y Alcay, O Yavuz, A Gelir, SK Atasen, K Karaoglu, B Yucel, NŞ Tuzun, ...
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 868, 131-143, 2018
Electrodeposition of zinc and reduced graphene oxide on porous nickel electrodes for high performance supercapacitors
İ Yılmaz, A Gelir, O Yargi, U Sahinturk, OK Ozdemir
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 138, 109307, 2020
Theoretical confirmation of in situ monitoring of monomer conversion during acrylamide polymerization via pyranine flouroprobe
N Kızıldereli, A Gelir, O Güney, Y Yılmaz
Journal of applied polymer science 115 (4), 2455-2459, 2010
Swelling Behavior of Chemically Ion‐Doped Hydrogels
E Alveroglu, A Gelir, Y Yilmaz
Macromolecular symposia 281 (1), 174-180, 2009
Synthesis and photophysical properties of indium (III) phthalocyanine derivatives
İ Özceşmeci, A Gelir, A Gül
Journal of luminescence 147, 141-146, 2014
Elucidation of the pore size and temperature dependence of the oxygen diffusion into porous silicon
A Gelir, O Yargi, SA Yuksel
Thin Solid Films 636, 602-607, 2017
A new method to synthesize ZnO nanoparticles with size gradient in PNIPAM polymer matrix
N Celebioglu, A Gelir, Y Yilmaz
Colloid and Polymer Science 294, 1045-1054, 2016
Role of ion conducting polymeric electrolyte in suppressing deterioration of cathode electrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells
O Gürbüz, A Gelir, İ Erden, Y Fırat, M Okutan
Dyes and Pigments 134, 269-275, 2016
Image processing for quantitative measurement of e/m in the undergraduate laboratory
A Gelir, M Kocaman, I Pekacar
Physics Education 54 (5), 055012, 2019
Monitoring the film formation process of polystyrene/poly acrylamide (PS/PAAm) composite films annealed by IR heating
A Gelir, O Yargi, B Sarli, U Sahinturk, B Aksakal
Polymer Engineering & Science 58 (3), 353-360, 2018
How the infrared radiation affects the film formation process from latexes?
O Yargi, A Gelir, M Ozdogan, C Nuhoglu, A Elaissari
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 133 (15), 2016
Polyacrylamide hydrogel as an electrolyte for oxidation‐based organic rectifiers
S Tabanli, A Gelir, Y Yilmaz
Polymer Engineering & Science 55 (2), 406-413, 2015
Effect of heteroatom‐doped carbon quantum dots on the red emission of metal‐conjugated phthalocyanines through hybridization
Ş Eryiğit, A Gelir, E Budak, C Ünlü, A Gömleksiz, İ Özçeşmeci, A Gül
Luminescence 37 (2), 268-277, 2022
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Articles 1–20