Carlos Hermoso Ortiz
Carlos Hermoso Ortiz
Profesor de Matemáticas. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. Madrid
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Cited by
Detecting similarity of rational plane curves
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso, G Muntingh
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 269, 1-13, 2014
Symmetry detection of rational space curves from their curvature and torsion
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso, G Muntingh
Computer Aided Geometric Design 33, 51-65, 2015
Detecting symmetries of rational plane and space curves
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso, G Muntingh
Computer Aided Geometric Design 31 (3-4), 199-209, 2014
Involutions of polynomially parametrized surfaces
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 294, 23-38, 2016
The problem of detecting when two implicit plane algebraic curves are similar
JG Alcázar, GM Díaz-Toca, C Hermoso
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 29 (05), 775-793, 2019
Algebraic surfaces invariant under scissor shears
JG Alcázar, R Goldman, C Hermoso
Graphical Models 87, 23-34, 2016
Higher-order recurrence relations, Sobolev-type inner products and matrix factorizations
C Hermoso, EJ Huertas, A Lastra, F Marcellán
Numerical Algorithms 92 (1), 665-692, 2023
Detecting affine equivalences between implicit planar algebraic curves
JG Alcázar, U Gözütok, H Anýl Çoban, C Hermoso
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 182 (1), 2, 2022
On Second Order q-Difference Equations Satisfied by Al-Salam–Carlitz I-Sobolev Type Polynomials of Higher Order
C Hermoso, EJ Huertas, A Lastra, A Soria-Lorente
Mathematics 8 (8), 1300, 2020
Detecting similarities of rational space curves
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso, G Muntingh
Proceedings of the ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic …, 2016
Bases of the homology spaces of the Hilbert scheme of points in an algebraic surface
C Hermoso, I Sols
Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 9 (1), 53-66, 1996
Computing projective equivalences of planar curves birationally equivalent to elliptic and hyperelliptic curves
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso
Computer Aided Geometric Design 91, 102048, 2021
On second order q-difference equations for high-order sobolev-type q-hermite orthogonal polynomials
C Hermoso, EJ Huertas, A Lastra, A Soria-Lorente
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.13726, 2021
Determinantal form for ladder operators in a problem concerning a convex linear combination of discrete and continuous measures
C Hermoso, EJ Huertas, A Lastra
Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff.(differential, partial differential …, 2017
Recognizing projections of algebraic curves
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso
Graphical Models 87, 1-10, 2016
Iterative computation of the convex hull of a rational plane curve
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso, J Caravantes, GM Díaz-Toca
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 49 (2), 52-52, 2015
Symmetry detection of rational space curves.
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso, G Muntingh
ACM Commun. Comput. Algebra 49 (2), 51, 2015
Geometría Enumerativa en una Superficie Algebraica
C Hermoso
Ph. D. thesis. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Available in www. ucm. es …, 2006
Using μ-bases to reduce the degree in the computation of projective equivalences between rational curves in n-space
JG Alcázar, C Hermoso, SP Diaz, LY Shen
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 416, 114571, 2022
Higher-order recurrence relations, Sobolev-type inner products and matrix factorizations
C Hermoso Ortíz, EJ Huertas Cejudo, A Lastra Sedano, F Marcellán
Springer, 2022
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Articles 1–20